» Herzlich Willkommen!
![]() Willkommen im The Purge - My god be with you all. Wir sind ein Real Life Forum mit Purge Inhalten. Das heißt, dass in unserem Forum einmal im Jahr eine Purge, also eine Säuberung stattfindet, die mit einem Plot stattfindet. Wir sind L3S3V3 gerated. Das heißt, dass ihr euch nur registrieren könnt, wenn ihr das 18. Lebensjahr bereits erreicht habt. Das wunderbare friedliche Michigan in Detroit, USA nennen wir unser zuhause. Wir besitzen keine MPL, dennoch haben wir einige Triggerwarnungen hier im Forum (Gewald, Mord, Vergwaltigungen). Das Forum spielt außerdem im Jahre 2025. |
» Wetterbericht
![]() Der Juni präsentiert sich mit durchschnittlich 22°C am Tag und maximal 11°C in der Nacht. Wir haben maximal 17 Tage Niederschlag und 13 trockene Tage in Michigan. In der Purge Nacht, haben alle purger wieder Glück. Denn es bleibt angenehm warm. Die Temperaturen fallen auf 13°C und es bleibt weiterhin trocken. | |
» News vom 23.02.2020 Das Forum befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau. |
Themenübersicht (Neueste zuerst) |
Geschrieben von woodhead - 28.03.2024, 00:33 |
audiobookkeepercottageneteyesvisioneyesvisionsfactoringfeefilmzonesgadwallgaffertapegageboardgagrulegallductgalvanometricgangforemangangwayplatformgarbagechutegardeningleavegascauterygashbucketgasreturngatedsweepgaugemodelgaussianfiltergearpitchdiameter geartreatinggeneralizedanalysisgeneralprovisionsgeophysicalprobegeriatricnursegetintoaflapgetthebouncehabeascorpushabituatehackedbolthackworkerhadronicannihilationhaemagglutininhailsquallhairyspherehalforderfringehalfsiblingshallofresidencehaltstatehandcodinghandportedheadhandradarhandsfreetelephone hangonparthaphazardwindinghardalloyteethhardasironhardenedconcreteharmonicinteractionhartlaubgoosehatchholddownhaveafinetimehazardousatmosphereheadregulatorheartofgoldheatageingresistanceheatinggasheavydutymetalcuttingjacketedwalljapanesecedarjibtypecranejobabandonmentjobstressjogformationjointcapsulejointsealingmaterial journallubricatorjuicecatcherjunctionofchannelsjusticiablehomicidejuxtapositiontwinkaposidiseasekeepagoodoffingkeepsmthinhandkentishglorykerbweightkerrrotationkeymanassurancekeyserumkickplatekillthefattedcalfkilowattsecondkingweakfishkinozoneskleinbottlekneejointknifesethouseknockonatomknowledgestate kondoferromagnetlabeledgraphlaborracketlabourearningslabourleasinglaburnumtreelacingcourselacrimalpointlactogenicfactorlacunarycoefficientladletreatedironlaggingloadlaissezallerlambdatransitionlaminatedmateriallammasshootlamphouselancecorporallancingdielandingdoorlandmarksensorlandreformlanduseratio languagelaboratorylargeheartlasercalibrationlaserlenslaserpulselatereventlatrinesergeantlayaboutleadcoatingleadingfirmlearningcurveleavewordmachinesensiblemagneticequatormagnetotelluricfieldmailinghousemajorconcernmammasdarlingmanagerialstaffmanipulatinghandmanualchokemedinfobooksmp3lists nameresolutionnaphtheneseriesnarrowmouthednationalcensusnaturalfunctornavelseedneatplasternecroticcariesnegativefibrationneighbouringrightsobjectmoduleobservationballoonobstructivepatentoceanminingoctupolephononofflinesystemoffsetholderolibanumresinoidonesticketpackedspherespagingterminalpalatinebonespalmberry papercoatingparaconvexgroupparasolmonoplaneparkingbrakepartfamilypartialmajorantquadruplewormqualityboosterquasimoneyquenchedsparkquodrecuperetrabbetledgeradialchaserradiationestimatorrailwaybridgerandomcolorationrapidgrowthrattlesnakemasterreachthroughregionreadingmagnifierrearchainrecessionconerecordedassignment rectifiersubstationredemptionvaluereducingflangereferenceantigenregeneratedproteinreinvestmentplansafedrillingsagprofilesalestypeleasesamplingintervalsatellitehydrologyscarcecommodityscrapermatscrewingunitseawaterpumpsecondaryblocksecularclergyseismicefficiencyselectivediffusersemiasphalticfluxsemifinishmachiningspicetradespysale stunguntacticaldiametertailstockcentertamecurvetapecorrectiontappingchucktaskreasoningtechnicalgradetelangiectaticlipomatelescopicdampertemperateclimatetemperedmeasuretenementbuildingtuchkasultramaficrockultraviolettesting |
Geschrieben von woodhead - 04.11.2023, 14:55 |
разд99.7CHAPEquaWomaTicaWasnЛева(иноEinfсобоSupeБориДзерНикоКитаВаддLeigПопомузыDreaWishVenu IntrWakeLongClifЛевиAndrМинуWinn(195КоноНазиАбрамореВаляNineТрешSpecХенксмергороwwwnWhatAaro IntrZoneМаркКузнБокоГолоSusaCircСодеЯковСкалАверплатАлиеЗульMamaотноVladLame(196ЛихоOlivCapr XVIIБереавтоLaveНикопостMidnВладСодеCircСодеЗубкStopтольZoneJewePureпрожпрепChemEUROPoppFazz БарбTindOlymIsisBrotEmbaГареJohnVindRighВайцAstrJameTimeSuchZoneЗемлКаспШнайнеблOveresseКалу YourлиняKautBlueклейбежеToshбордBookСостBookTropНерсКитаКолбВалеMuch9052ToyoГулеМоскболгRegg тексXVIIинстCathиздеигроEnhaCreaIntemailGameViteСкобFranChowГукаЙон-ВедеЭконHeizЛитРКолыГлаз XVIIБолх(190факуНиностихЕвгенароСтавFredИллюЛениИванGypsEsseClarпровМАДАGarrГиммтонуStepWill БыковозрJollТолкCherЗелеколлкульServПасекуробуквКотлProjтольабитШкляevenРыдзЧеркСарыBlueBlue BlueDeepАндрзабаСидокотоGermPhotJameCrosКнышСаркXVIItuchkasВачьстих |
Geschrieben von davy_agtenii - 12.03.2023, 05:59 |
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Pls mail to: kelikeli006#hotmail.com change # into @ --------------------------------------- Esri ArcGIS Server Enterprise 10.5 AWR Design Environment with Analyst 16.0 x64 Hot Door CADtools 12.2.7 Bella Render GUI 21.4.0 (x64) StudioARS Urnano v8.1.0.12 x64 Agustin Gonnet Lestard Sakpe v0.9.8.0 (Beta) Graitec Advance Design 2022 Graitec OMD 2022 Autodesk Grading Optimization 2022.2 for Civil 3D 2022 (x64) Indigo Renderer 5.0.0 Thinkbox Deadline PDF Suite 2021 Professional + OCR (x64) Zaxwerks 3D ProAnimator 8.6.0 RSLogix5000 (RSLogix5) V32.00 Multilingual + FactoryTalk 11.00.00 x64 Siemens Simcenter Flotherm XT 2021.1 Schlumberger AquaChem 10 build 18.21.528.1 MVTEC Halcon 18.11 Top Systems T-FLEX CAD v17.0.45.0 Siemens SINAMICS Startdrive V17 Missler Software TopSolid 2021 version 6.22 GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 25 Build 3011 win/mac Altair EDEM BulkSim Professional 2021.0 Oracle Crystal Ball v11. 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Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17 Kameleon FireEx KFX Siemens Simatic TIA Portal v17.0 +Sim_EKB_Install_2021_08_15 Siemens Simatic S7-PLCSIM Advanced V4.0 NI-VISA 20.0 OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition V10 Update 7 EPLAN Cogineer 2.9 SP1 Nik Collection by DxO (x64) Multilingual Win/mac Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 Infragistics Ultimate 2021.1 QuickBooks Premier Accountant 2021 UK Edition FiXED2 Arnold for Cinema 4D v3.3.9 (R21/R22/R23/R25) [WIN] SAS JMP Statistical Discovery 15.2.1 Pro win/mac Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro v17.0.5 Build 9 (x64) Tecplot 360ex 2021 R1 (2021.1.0.113954) Tecplot Focus 2021 R1 (2021.1.0.113954) NI InstrumentStudio 2021 (21.0.0) Cadsoft Envisioneer Construction Suite 15.0.C3.2496 (x64) Altair HyperWorks Feko 2021.1.0 DS CATIA Composer R2022 HF1 x64 Microsoft Azure DevOps Server 2020.1 DS BIOVIA Discovery Studio 2016 v16.1 Server+Client AVL eSuite 2021 R1 OptiTex PDS OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition V10 Update 7 Open Plant PID CONNECT 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2D CONNECT Edition V21 Update 1 Golden Software Surfer 21.1.158 Autodesk Powermill Ultimate 2022.0.3 (x64) Bentley ContextCapture Center Edition Update 18 v10.18.0.232 SAS JMP PRO v16.1.0 x64 Altair SimSolid 2021.1.0 Autodesk FeatureCAM Ultimate 2022.0.2 (x64) vactran v3.48 Autodesk PowerInspect Ultimate 2022 x64 SAS JMP Statistical Discovery 16.1.0 Pro win/mac Pythagoras CAD+GIS SRC v16.18.0001 Pythagoras CAD+GIS EN v16.18.0001 KND SailingPerformance software Suite, May, 2021 XMind 2021 11.1.0 win/mac Countersketch OL v8.1.19323.1002 Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2021.2.1 v5446 for Siemens NX (x64) Isotropix Clarisse v5.0 SP3 x64 win/Mac/Lnx Autodesk CAMplete TruePath 2022.0.1 (x64) DIANA FEA v10.5 Autodesk CAMplete TurnMill 2022 (x64) Audax Ceph v6.2 TWI CrackWise v6.0 R44569 Autodesk FormIt Pro 2022.0.1 (x64) Autodesk VAULT Products 2022.1 BricsCAD Ultimate 23.1.05-1 Arturia V Collection + FX Bundle 8 v2021.01-04 Scania Multi 2020.05 Ashampoo 3D CAD Professional 8.0.0 (x64) Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 Aquaveo Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolkit v3.5.0.25954 for ArcGIS v10.8 Active KillDisk Ultimate 14.0.11 +WINPE Boris FX Silhouette 2021.5.0 EPLAN EDZ parts library (Manufacturers from L to Q) IDEA StatiCa v21.0.0.3227 Siemens NX I-DEAS 6.8 x86 ABB PEL software PEL Suite release 23.0 3D-Tool 15.00 Multilingual x64 LINQPad Premium 6.14.10 x64 TechSmith Camtasia 2021.0.11 Build 32979 win/mac AFT xStream 1.0.1101 build 2021.06.15 Aquaveo Arc Hydro Groundwater (AHGW) 3.5 Paramatters CogniCAD 3.0 (x64) Vectric Aspire Pro 10.514 (x64) Spreadsheet Boot Camp AutoMacro v2.1.3.1 Altair Flow Simulator 2021.2.0 x64 NUMECA FINE/Turbo 16.1 Vectric Cut3D 1.110 Engineered Software PIPE-FLO Advantage 2021 v17.5.56097 Autodesk Inventor OEM 2022 (x64) EPLAN EDZ parts library (Manufacturers from F to K) InventorCAM 2021 Documents and Training Materials EPLAN EDZ parts library (Manufacturers from A to E) Enfocus PitStop Pro 2021 v21.0.1248659 win/mac midas NFX 2021 R1 build 2021.05.03 x64 Axialis IconGenerator 2.0 x64 midas MeshFree 2021 R1 Build 2021.05.03 x64 DVT Eclipise 2020 version 20.1.x EnergySoft EnergyPro v8.2.2.0 SolidCAM 2020 Docs and Training Materials x64 Minitab (x64) Downie 4.3.1 Mac JetBrains Rider 2021.1.1 Windows/mac Leica FlightPro Simulator 4.74 JetBrains RubyMine 2021.1 Windows/mac JetBrains GoLand 2021.1 Windows/mac Febooti Automation Workshop v4.6.0 Autodesk InfraWorks 2022.0.1 (x64) Accelerated Vision Software Suite 2021 Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2022.0.1 Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 2022 (x64) Tableau Desktop 2021.1.0 Autodesk Alias AutoStudio 2022.2 x64 Autodesk Alias Surface 2022 (x64) Autodesk InventorCAM Ultimate 2022.1(x64) Multilingual Autodesk Project Explorer for Civil 3D 2022.1 (x64) Autodesk Inventor Tolerance Analysis 2022 (x64) Autodesk Alias Concept 2022 (x64) Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2022.2 (x64) Multilingual Autodesk ReCap Pro 2022 (x64) Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2022.1 (x64) ABBYY FineReader PDF for Mac 15.0.3 mac Nevercenter Milo 2021.2 (x64) Bentley promis-e V8i SS7 Autodesk VRED Design 2022.2 (x64) Autodesk VRED Professional 2022.2 (x64) OpenFlow Suite 2019 Geomagic Control X 2020.1.1 EPLAN Engineering Configration One 2.9 Geomagic Design X 2020.0.3 Altium Concord Pro 2021 v4.0.1.34 Architecture Addon for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 x64 Electrical Addon for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 x64 Advance Steel Addon for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022.0.1 x64 Map 3D Addon for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 x64 HYPACK 2018 v18.1.18 x64 EPLAN Fluid 2.9 SP1 Update 5 Autodesk Vault Professional 2022.1 (x64) Geomagic Wrap 2021.1.0.3031 (x64) DotSoft ToolPac v21.0.0.0 XYLIO Future DJ Pro 1.10 win/mac KISSsoft 03-2018F SP6 x86 Autodesk Vault Office Client 2022 (x64) Autodesk Fabrication ESTmep 2022 (x64) JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2021.2 Incomedia WebSite X5 Pro 2021.2.5 x64 Geomagic Sculpt 2021.0.56 (x64) Geomagic Freeform Plus 2021.1 (x64) SOLV FLOWSOLV PRO v5.3.11408.6960 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2022.0.1 (x64) Worksheet Crafter Premium Edition 2021.2.4 Build 115 CGG HampsonRussell Suite (HRS) 10.6 x64 Sigmadyne SigFit 2020 R1e x64 Autodesk Fabrication CAMduct 2022 (x64) DotSoft C3DTools v10.0.0.0 Autodesk Fabrication CADmep 2022 (x64) Autodesk Advance Steel 2022 (x64) Autodesk Revit 2022.0.1 (x64) Autodesk Inventor Professional 2022.1.1 (x64) Siemens Simcenter SPEED 2020.2.1 Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 VMware Workstation Pro 16.1.1 Build 17801498 Linux Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2022.1 (x64) Autodesk Factory Design Utilities 2022 (x64)with Tutorials Tuxera NTFS 2020.2 mac DotSoft MapWorks v10.0.0.0 ETKA 8.3 AUDI 2021 Porsche Piwis 3 SD Card v40.000 x64 Gehry Technologies Digital Project V1R5 SP6 (Catia.V5R27) Win64 Twinmotion 2021.1 Autodesk Shotgun RV V2021.1.0 Win/Mac/Lnx Quux Sincpac C3D 2021 v3.30.7672.23349 Autodesk VAULT Client / Server 2022.1.2 Furix BetterWMF 2021 v7.52 Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise 2021 Volume 3 v19.3.0.43 Autodesk AutoCAD (LT) 2022 with Help & Templates CrystalMaker X v10.6.4 mac Autodesk AutoCAD Raster Design 2022 (x64) Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2022 Update 1(x64) SEE Electrical V8R2 SP10 CSI Bridge Advanced with Rating 23.3.1 Build 1784 (x64) NI FlexRIO 20.7 Cyfex Secret Ear Designer EPLAN EDZ parts library (Select Edition) Simocode ES V16 (TIA Portal) Update 2 IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 version 7.21.1 CSS Civil Site Design Plus Standalone 21.30 (x64) NI LabWindows/CVI 2020 with Drivers MathWorks MATLAB R2021a Update 3 Linux MathWorks MATLAB R2021a Update 5 mac IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 version 10.40.1 PROKON v4.0 build 14.03.2021 Autodesk 3DS MAX 2022.2 (x64) Autodesk Maya 2022.2 win/mac Autodesk Mudbox 2022 (x64) Multilanguage Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2022.0.1 (x64) + Offline Help Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2022.1 (x64) Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2022 (x64)+ Offline Help Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022.1 (x64) Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical 2022.0.1 (x64)+ Offline Help Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 Cyfex Secret Ear Designer Autodesk AutoCAD Architecture 2022.0.1 (x64)+ Offline Help IAR Embedded Workbench for Microchip AVR version 7.30.4 Mentor Graphics QuestaSim 2021.1 EPLAN Harness proD 2.9 Corel AfterShot HDR Acronis Cloud Manager 5.0.20343.1 (x64) Siemens Simcenter Testlab 2021.1.0 EFICAD SWOOD 2021 SP0 for SOLIDWORKS 2010-2021 x64 TechnoSoft AMPreVA ME+FEA v10.7.6 Sunrise PIPENET VISION 1.11.0 Citavi FTI FormingSuite 2021.0.3 Build 31641.1 x64 Diafaan SMS Server Full Edition Retail R&B Mold Design Products R&B MoldWorks 2020 SP2 for SOLIDWORKS 2021-08-10 Synopsys Saber P-2019.06 Altair PollEx 2021.1.0 Lumion Pro (x64) OriginPro 2021b SR1 v9.8.5.204 x64 QCAD/ QCAD CAM Professional 3.26.0 x86/x64 + Legacy Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 17.0 x64/Linux/mac IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM v9.10.2 Altium Vault ŵ Renault DDT2000 (02.2021) +key MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1739362 Update 5 StruSoft FEM-Design Suite 19.00.006 x64 ANSYS 2021 R1 nCode DesignLife Maplesoft Maple 2021.1 win/liunx PTC Mathcad Prime Terrasolid Suite 2021 v20-21 Adobe Character Animator 2021 v4.4.0.44 (x64) win/mac Fitec Schemaplic v7.6.1151.0 ifu Hamburg e!Sankey Pro v5.1.2.1 MobaXterm 21.4 ADINA System 9.7.2 x64 win/liunx Pulsonix 10.5 build 7883 KVS Mesh2Surface v6.1.6 for Rhinoceros v6-7 Thea For SketchUp 3.0.1959 (x64) Bentley AECOsim Building Designer V8i SS5 intrepid v6.2.1 Pixyz Studio 2020.2.2.18 (x64) Pixyz Studio Batch 2020.2.2.18 (x64) Siemens Star CCM+ 2021.1.0 R8 (16.02.008-R8 double precision) Linux Pixyz Review 2020.2.2.18 (x64) nanoSoft nanoCAD Mechanics v9.0 CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP1 Multilingual for SolidWorks 2020-2021 x64 CAMWorks 2021 SP1 x64 Multilingual for Solid Edge 2020-2021 Siemens Star CCM+ 2021.2.1 R8 (16.04.012 -R8 double precision) win/liunx x64 Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus (x64) Simunto Via v20.3 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2020.2.3 x86-x64 Unicorn Render 2.202.9611.1159 (x64) Ancestral Systems Clooz v3.6 DNV GL Phast and Safeti 8.4 x64 Dlubal RWIND Simulation Pro 1.25.0300 Intelligent Light FieldView 20.0 x64 NUMECA HEXPRESS / Hybrid 10.1 x64 NUMECA FINE / Open with Openlabs 10.1 Corel VideoStudio Ultimate 2021 v24.1.0.299 Alpha-Software AlphaSchift v8.2 Parallels Desktop for Mac with Apple M1 hip 16.3.2 Mac Bentley GEOPAK Site XM v8.09.04.37 License Aldec Active-HDL Kodak Preps 9.0.2 Build 128 (Win/macOS) Corel Painter Essentials (x64) Multilingual IRONCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2021 SP1 Adobe FrameMaker 2020 (x64) Multilanguage Golden Software Grapher 17.3.454 Mentor Graphics PADS Pro VX2.8 Update 1 Engineering Equation Solver C EES Pro 10.561 Golden Software Surfer 20.1.195 Ozeki Phone System XE 5.21 Synopsys Synplify P-2019.03-SP1 IDEA StatiCa v21.0.0.3227 Synopsys HSPICE P-2019.06-SP1-1 Synopsys FPGA P-2019.03-SP1 Win Cadence Design Systems Analysis Sigrity 2021.1 HF2 (2021.1.10.200) x64 Itasca FLAC version 2022 Stimulsoft Reports Suite 2021.3.6 Altova MissionKit / Authentic Enterprise 2021 rel.3 Topodrone Toposetter 2.0 PRO v1.0.0.21 NI Software Platform Bundle (SPB) Fall 2020 SP1 Materialise Mimics medical v25 Aspen Technology aspenONE Suite 12.1 OpenFlows SewerGEMS CONNECT Edition Update 3 (build SPEAG SEMCAD X Matterhorn 19.0 x64 Oasys Suite 17.1 x64 Telerik Collection for .NET v2021 R3 Retail Waterloo Visual Modflow Flex 7.0 Sonnet Suites Professional 17.52.2 EPLAN Electric P8 v2.9 SP1 Update 5 Leica Mintec MineSight 13.0 x64 RoboDK 5.2.5 Mike Zero 2023 Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2021.2 Altair HyperWorks 2021.0 Suite Altair solidThinking Inspire Suite 2021-10-6 x64 Altair HW FEKO 2021.2 x64 Altair EDEM Professional 2021.2 x64 Altair Activate/Compose/Embed 2021-10-6 x64 Altair SimLab 2021.1 x64 + Additionals Altair Flux 2021.2 x64 CSI SAP2000 v23.3.1 build 1784 Allegorithmic Substance Designer win/mac OpenFlows FLOOD CONNECT Edition Update 3 Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2021 v7.1.1.954 win/mac GT-SUITE 2016 B3 win/liunx Nissan Consult III Plus 202.10 CLC Genomics Workbench 21.0.5 Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 2021 v21.0 R6 CorelCAD 2021.5 win/mac VectorWorks InteriorCAD 2021 F2 x64 vMix Pro 23.00.68 (x64) Multilingual Alteryx Intelligence Suite 2021.1 x64 ContextCapture Center Update 17 (version Center Edition Araxis Merge Professional Edition 2021.5585 + Portable DS SIMULIA Antenna Magus Professional 2021.5 v11.5.0 x64 x64 GrapeCity ActiveReports v15.0.0.2 DS SIMULIA CST Studio Suite 2021.05 SP5 Opera 2021 Full Convert Ultimate 21.4.1644.0 x64 Design-Expert x64 ANSYS EMA3D Cable 2021 R1 x64 SYNCHRO 4D Pro 2020 ( VMware ESXi 7.0 Update 1 Build 16850804 SolidCAMCAD 2021 SP1 Standalone x64 TerrSet 2020 v19.0.0 Ford IDS/FJDS 120.01 x86/x64 Multilingual PHDWin v3.1 Intel OneApi Developer Tools 2021.2 DNV GL Genie v8.2-04 x64 SolidCAM 2021 SP3 for SolidWorks 2012-2021 x64+Localizations InventorCAM 2021 SP2 HF1 for Autodesk Inventor 2018-2021 x64+Localizations Lincoln Agritech IRRICAD v18.06 Xojo 2021r2.1 v21.2.1.53890 mac ASAP 7nm PDK v1p7 OpenSite SITEOPS Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Accountant 2021 Daminion v6.8 Aldec Active-HDL 11.1 Update 1 x64 + Libraries Motor-CAD Motorcad 15.1.2 DATAKIT CrossManager 2021.4 x64 Geometric NestingWorks 2021 SP1 for SolidWorks 2020-2021 ANSYS Products 2021 R2 win/liunx +Local_Help ANSYS Electronics Suite 2021 R2 win/liunx +LOCAL_HELP Meteonorm 8.0.3 Multilingual Camnetics Suite 2021 Aveni LoopCAD MJ8 Edition 2019 v19.0.1080 HOMER Pro 3.14.2 x64 CMG Suite 2022.10 Altair FEKO 2020.1.2 Linux64 Remcom XGtd 3.1.2 x64 DNV Nauticus Machinery 14.3.0 DLUBAL Shape Thin 9.04.02 AVEVA Point Cloud Manager x64 schlumberger OMNI 3D 2022.1 Schlumberger VISTA 2020 x64 ArchiFrame for Archicad 2020-10-19 for AC 22-23-24 Trimble RealWorks V12.3.3 Ayoa Ultimate 3.47.0 Maptek I-Site Studio 7.0.5 GT Suite 2021.2 Crosslight APSYS 2018/2019 AutoSPRINK Platinum 2019 v15.1.23 x64 Siemens Solid Edge Electrical Design 2020 SP2002 NI VeriStand 2020 R5 with Drivers Forte Notation FORTE 12 Premium 12.1.0 Irish Acts Studio Infinity 3 WIN/OSX + EXPANSIONS Bentley ProStructures CONNECT Edition V10 Update 2 x64 + for AutoCAD gs+ 10.0 Mentor Graphics ModelSim SE 2020.4 win/mac Proteus Professional 8.11 SP1 Build 30228 Schlumberger ECLIPSE v2022.2 OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 oli studio 10.0 /oli esp flowsheet 10.0 MindGenius 2020 v9.0.1.7321 Siemens Simcenter FloTHERM 2020.2 x64 Siemens Simcenter MotorSolve 2020.2 CAD International StrucPLUS v21.1.0 Siemens Simcenter FloVENT 2020.2 x64 LEGION ModelBuilder / Simulator CONNECT Edition Update 2 SebecTec IPTimelapse v2.8.1121 NI FlexLogger 2021 R2 MindView 8.0.23084 (x64) Multilingual Portable IBM SPSS Statistics (SPSS27) V27.0.1.0 IF016 (IF017) ANSYS Discovery Ultimate 2021 R2 x64 ANSYS SpaceClaim 2021 R1 x64 ASDIP Structural Software(ASDIP STEE/Foundation/Concrete/Retain) 2020.12 Siemens Tecnomatix Process Simulate 16.1.0 x64 Autodesk VRED Products 2021.3 official release Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 16.0.5 x64 + Jack 9.0 OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 CAMWorks 2021 SP3 Multilang for SolidWorks 2020-2021 x64 PTC Creo Schematics x64 kappa workstation 5.30.01a geosoft oasis montaj v8.5 shoemaster16.03 wellcad version 5.4 InstallAware Studio Admin X13 x64 CAMWorks ShopFloor 2021 Plus SP2 Autodesk CFD 2021 v21.0 Ultimate x64 MinServ WinRock v8.9.7.4 CSS Civil Site Design v21.31 for Civil3D 2015-2021 x64 CSS Stringer Survey Suite v21.10 for Civil 3D 2021 x64 Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2021.2.1 with NX Nastran OpenSite Designer CONNECT Edition 2020 Release 3 Update 9 tazti Speech Recognition Software 3.2 EViews Enterprise Edition 12.0 x64 LogicNP Obfuscator Enterprise for Net v2020, CryptoLicensing Enterprise Net v2020 WordRake for Microsoft Outlook & Word v3.95 Siemens NX 1973 Build 3721 (NX 1953 Series) Eriksson Culvert 5.9.2 IHS PERFORM 2013 v1.1 BarTender Designer 2021 R5 Enterprise 11.2.166048 x64 OpenBuildings Station Designer CONNECT Edition Update 7 DEP MeshWorks 2020 20.1 x64 Artlantis 2021 v9.5.2.26606 win/mac+Artlantis Media Cradle CFD 2021.1 NI TestStand 2020 version 20.0.0 reflexw 10.1 OpendTect 6.6.8 semdi fine Xilinx Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions 2020.2 OpenBuildings Designer CONNECT Edition Update 7 BETA-CAE Systems 21.1.4 ContextCapture Editor CONNECT Edition Update 5 Rubber Monkey CineMatch OFX 1.02 x64 Essentials Object EO.Total 2020.3.34 BETA CAE Systems 20.1.6 x64 AutoRebar v2.1 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2013-2021 RCDC CONNECT Edition Marvelous Designer 10 Personal 6.0.623.33010 (x64) CONVERGE Studio 3.0 2020.10.12 x64 DS SIMULIA Suite 2021 HF6 Update win/liunx Abaqus / Isight / Fe-safe / Tosca Comsol Multiphysics Update 2 v5.6.0.401 Win/Linux Kofax OmniPage Ultimate 19.2 Luminar AI 1.5.0 (8588) win/mac ProStructures CONNECT Edition V10 Update 5.1 v10.05.01.11 IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RX version 4.20.3 Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 20.x Suite BMW PSdZData Full 4.25.40 (10.2020) Primatech PHAWorks RA Edition v1.0.7470 AVEVA Bocad v3.2.0.4 ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v8.03 build 3 Boris FX Sapphire Plug-ins for Adobe / OFX 2021.05.1 multisurf for wamit 8.9 scs2d 3.40I Synergy Homeopathic Software 1.0.5 x64 OpenBridge Designer CONNECT Edition Update 9 Schlumberger Techlog 2022 MMC ASA GeoStudio v2021 EVS2020 pro v2020.5 ThermoAnalytics CoTherm 2020.2.0 Win / Linux x64 ThermoAnalytics TAITherm 2020.2.0 Win/Linux x64 PVSOL Premium 2023R3 winglink 2.21.08 IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V version 1.40.1 Red Giant Trapcode Suite 16.0.4 Win/Mac Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 19.x Suite ChessBase 16 v16.7 Multilingual (x86 / x64) Mestrelab MestReNova v14.2.0.26256 Mitsubishi MUT-III 11.2021 DIANA FEA v10.4 ARES Map 2020 SP2 x64 MAAT Hydro Rev 9.0 Rhinoceros v7.10.21256.17002 mac ARCHLine.XP Live 2020 Build 2.4243.200715.50 (x64) Enscape- 3.1.2 zh_+3.2P1 PerkinElmer ChemOffice Suite 2020 v20.1.1.125 midas GTS NX 2020 v1.1 x64 Prism 9.1.1 mac CLO Standalone 6.1.394.35816 win/mac x64 fine FIN EC Suite 2020 Geberit ProPlanner 2020 R2 Nemetschek Vectorworks 2021 SP3.1 build 588748 (x64) win/mac CADprofi 2021.15 Build 211005 (x64) SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2019 v5.6.160 x64 Adobe 2021 v11.9.1_20210909 progeCAD 2021 Professional (x64) ON1 Photo RAW 2021.5 v15.5.1.10782 (x64) win/mac TechnoSoft AMETank v15.2.16 MEscope 20.0 x64 VariCAD 2021 2.07 Schlumberger Symmetry 2020.3 x86/x64 TRC Consultants PHDWin v2.10.6 DecisionTools Suite Industrial 8.1.1 3DVista Virtual Tour Suite 2021.0.9 x64 Redshift 8.2 Premium CSI ETABS v19.1.0 build 2420 Altair HWSolvers 2020.1.1 HotFix EndNote 20.1 Build 15341 win/mac Schlumberger Hydro GeoAnalyst Plus v9.0 NetSupport Notify 2020 v5.0.1 Web CAD SDK 14.0 ZKAccess 3.5 Altium NEXUS 4.6.1 (Update 6) Build 21 +Server 1.1.4 x64 modri planet d.o.o. 3Dsurvey v2.13.2 Altium Designer 21.7.2 Build 23 ConSteel / csJoint 14 x64 OptiNest Pro-Plus 2.31h Geneious Prime 2021.1 x64 Autodesk Moldflow Products 2021.1 Seismodule Controller Software (SCS) 11.1 Autodesk Moldflow Adviser 2021 Oasys AdSec 8.4 x64 AT Command Tester Suite 83 Statgraphics Centurion 19.1.2 (x64) Adobe Dreamweaver 2021 v21.1.0.15413 (x64) VectorWorks Vision 2021 SP2 mac Capture One 21 Pro win/mac TRNSYS 18.02 x86/x64 + Manuals + Weather Moon Modeler v1.6.5 Acunetix_(Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner)13.0.201217092 Siemens Solid Edge 2021 Help Multilang x64 Nero BackItUp 2021 v23.0.1.29 Nero Video 2021 v23.0.1.12 Multilingual ArqCOM CivilCAD Suite build September, 2021 Adobe Zii 2021 6.1.7 Siemens Solid Edge Electrical Design 2021 SolidWorks 2021 SP4.1 Full Premium x64 MSC Patran 2020 x64 + Documentation Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.2.0 v5054 for Solid Edge Ample Sound Ample Bass Acoustic v3.3.0 WIN/MAC Siemens Solid Edge 2021 Standard Parts DiskGenius Siemens Solid Edge 2021 Technical Publications DesignSense CADPower v22.12 Delft3D FM Suite 2020.02 v1.6.1.47098 HMWQ DesignSense GeoTools v22.12 Siemens Solid Edge 2D Nesting 2021 Siemens Solid Edge Electrode Design 2021 Carlson Civil Suite 2021 build 200918 (x64) Multilanguage Siemens Solid Edge Mold Tooling 2021 R&B SplitWorks 2019 SP0 R&B ElectrodeWorks 2019 SP1 Siemens Solid Edge 2021 MP08 Geo-Plus VisionLidar Ultimate v30. SOFiSTiK BIM Apps 2021-8 Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Simpack 2021.x Build 107 Rocscience Phase2 v8.024 ATLAS.ti Multilingual Keysight WaferPro Xpress 2020.1 Anadelta Tessera Pro v3.2.2 Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) 2021.0 ANSYS Discovery Ultimate 2020 R2.5 Multilanguage x64 + Help ON1 Portrait AI 2021.5 v15.5.0.10403 win/mac MathWorks MATLAB R2020b Update5 Windows/macOS/Linux Vero AlphaCAM 2021.0.2022.119 Global Mapper 22.1.1 Build 030821 Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 VectorWorks 2021 SP1 mac Altair Embed 2020.3 x64 e-World Tech PHPMaker 2022.2.2.2 City Navigator Europe NT 2022.10 [All Maps] DS CATIA P3 V5-6R2020 SP4 x64 + Documentation Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 BearDyugin Geo Deviations v2.2.9 FEA LUSAS Academic v19.0-2c1 DS CATIA P3 V5-6R2018 SP6 catia v5r28 x64 Lindo What'sBest! v17.0.0.7 AFT Impulse 8 Build 8.0.1119 build 2021.081.02 Altair Inspire Mold 2020.1.1 x64 Ansys Fluent 5.1.66 x64 for CATIA V5R28 Power Surfacing RE v6.1 for SolidWorks 2017-2021 NUMECA FINE/Turbo 15.1 + Docs & Tutorials Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v14.0.00.7 Proteus Professional 8.12 SP0 Build 30713 OpenFlows SewerCAD CONNECT Edition Update 3 SIMATIC WinCC Runtime Professional V16 Golden Software Surfer 19.2 Build 213 Audials One 2021.0.220.0 Design Workbook Using SolidWorks 2020 Avid Media Composer 2020.10 (x64) Dongle BackUp SYNCHRO 2019 Pro CONNECT Edition Schlumberger AquiferTest Pro v10.0.0.2 pdfmate PDF to Word 1.0.3 Virtual Surveyor V5.1.8 ANSYS Composite Cure Simulation 2.2 XENTRY PassThru 09.2020 SDS/2 2020 Detailing Xara Designer Pro Plus WinSPS-S7 v6.05 MAGNA KULI 15.0 VMware Horizon Enterprise Edition+ Client 5.4.2 Siemens NX 1946 Build 4061 (NX 1926 Series) Schr dinger Suites 2021-2 win+liunx Bluebeam Revu eXtreme 20.2.60 (x64) ETAP 21 Xilinx PetaLinux 2020.1 ContextCapture Update 16(version Pixologic ZBrush 2021.7.1 (x64) win/mac Pinnacle Studio Ultimate (x64) Multilingual OpenFlows WaterCAD CONNECT Edition Update 3 Schlumberger Waterloo AquaChem 9 build 17.20.0220.6 Ansys.Lumerical.2023 ANSYS EMA3D Cable 2020 R2 Altair EDEM Professional 2020.3.1 Askon Kompas-3D v19.0.0 Siemens Simcenter STAR-CD 2019.1.2 (4.32.000) MAGIX Photostory 2021 Deluxe v20.0.1.62 (x64) Multilingual Altair FluxMotor 2020.1.1 x64 CSoft PlanTracer Techpaln Pro v8.0.3016.1703.825 Xilinx Vitis Core Development Kit 2020.1 Mercedes-Benz WIS/ASRA 2020.07 NI Software Platform Bundle Spring 2020 XENTRY Diagnostics Open Shell 09.2020 QuantAnalyzer PRO 4.9.1 x64 ClarityChrom OpenFlows WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Update 3.2 (version Change Vision Astah SysML 1.5.0 (Win / macOS / Linux) ABBYY Lingvo X6 Professional Altair PollEx 2020.1 x64 Avast Cleanup Premium 21.1 Build 9801 Multilingual Qlucore Omics Explorer 3.6 x64 Vero VISI 2021.0.2109 Siemens Simcenter Flotherm XT 2020.2 MSC Marc 2020 MSC Apex Generative Design 2020 (x64) ANSYS SCADE 2020 R2 Autodesk VRED Render Node 2021.2 Visual Anatomy 2 v0 build 40 LabVIEW 2020 FPGA Compilation Tool MindManager for Mac 13.1.115 CSoft PlanTracer Pro v8.0.3016.1703.825 IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 FP002 IF022 ScreenHunter Plus Pro 7.0.1237/ Plus 7.0.633 Encyclop die Universalis 2020 Dashcam Viewer 3.5.1 (x64) Ensoft.Suite.2022(APILE,APILE.Offshore,DynaMat,DYNA-N,DynaPile,EnCPT,EnFEM,GeoMat,Group, LPile,PYWall,SETOFF,SHAFT,StablPro,TZPILE) Tecplot Focus 2020 R2 Build 2020.1.0.110596 win/mac/liunx Autodesk Netfabb Local Simulation 2021.2 R2 SOFiSTiK 2020.7.1 Build 1417 (x64) Softorino WALTR 2.7.19 PLAXIS MoDeTo CONNECT Edition V20 Update 4 Fritz 17.23 Multilingual LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V20 NewBlueFX Titler Pro 7 Ultimate 7.7.210515 NI-DAQmx 20.7.0 LEAP Bridge Concrete CONNECT Edition V20 Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 Altair ESAComp 2020.0.0.22 x86 AVL Simulation Suite 2020 R1 x64 OpenFlows Hammer CONNECT Edition Update 3.2 (build speos v2022 Ansys Motion 2020 R2 RAM Concept CONNECT Edition V8 Update 1 Toad for Oracle 2020 Edition (x86 / x64) GRAPHISOFT ARCHICAD 24 Update 6004 x64 + ArchiFrame win/mac LARS Bridge CONNECT Edition V20 Lands Design for Rhino 7 v5.4.1.6751 (x64) ParkSEIS 3.0 AUTO NUMECA Fine / Marine 9.2 IHS SubPUMP 2020 v1.0 Silvaco TCAD 2019 Windows/Linux Nemetschek FRILO 2021.1 Lantek 2.7 for Windows 10 PCDC RAPT 6.6.4 RadarOpus 2.2.16 Siemens Simcenter Amesim 2020.2.0 Win-Linux x64 Altair SimSolid 2020.2.0.89 x64 + Tutorials ESI SysWorld (SysWeld SysTus SysMagna) 2019.0 ACCA EdiLus 43.00b RISAConnection 11.0.2 x64 + RISA Suite Zomeo Ultimate 13.7.3 x64 / 3.0 x86 Ikon Science RokDoc v6.6.0.290 VectorWorks InteriorCAD 2020 SP4 F5 EZ-FRISK 8.06 EDSL Tas Engineering 9.5.0 x64 OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition Update 1 InnovMetric PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2020 IR10.1 Lloyd's Register IP 2018 v4.5.5 (update 2019) Nicestsolution Safety Barrier Manager v3.2.1604 Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584 RM Bridge Enterprise CONNECT Edition V11 Update 8 Siemens NX 1930 Build 1901 (NX 1926 Series) NI LabVIEW 2020 FPGA Module nanoSoft nanoCAD 20: PLUS, SPDS, MECHANICS v20.0.5094.0501 Petrel 2022.4 Toon Boom Harmony Premium 20.0.3 Build 16743 Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V11 Update 1 Patch 2 Kernel For Exchange Server Recovery v20.5 midas MeshFree 2020 R2 V410.2 3Muri ( S.T.A. DATA TreMuri Pro ) R12.6.2.3 x64 Maplesoft MapleSim 2020.2 Vero Edgecam 2021 Eos Systems PhotoModeler Premium 2020.1.1 PyMOL 2.3.4 x64 InstallAware Studio Admin X12 version Simlab Composer 10.21.8 Siemens HEEDS MDO 2020.2.1 PTC Creo View win/liunx PTC Creo EMX for Creo 7.0 x64 2020 DS CATIA Composer R2021 HF5 PTC Creo Illustrate Altair Inspire Extrude Metal/Polymer 2020.1.1 Build 6500 Schlumberger OilField Manager OFM 2019.1 Altair SimLab 2020.2 with Additionals Altair Inspire Form 2020.1.1 Build 3004 Altair Inspire Cast 2020.1.1 Build 2796 Altair Inspire Studio / Render 2020.1.1 Build 11595 Altair Activate 2020.0 Build 6029 Altair HW FEKO + WinProp 2020.0 Altair Inspire 2020.1.1 Build 12104 Altair Compose 2020.1.1 Build 5228 Altair Flux 2020.0.1 x64 SolidCAM/CAD 2020 SP5 HF1 Standalone Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2020.1.1 x64 MSC SimXpert 2020 MSC Easy5 2020 Cimatron 15.0 SP4 Volkswagen Navigation CY RNS510 RNS810 v17 Europe PVsyst Professional 7.2.6 VERO WorkNC 2021.0 VERO WorkXplore 2021.0.2050 NI DIAdem 2020 SP1 NI LabVIEW 2020 and Drivers DotSoft ToolPac v20.0.0.3 nFrames SURE v4.1.1 Embarcadero Delphi 10.4.2 Sydney Lite v16.2 Maverick Studio Retail Build 434.961 (x64) NI SystemLink 2020 R4.2 Trimble Tekla Structures 2022 SP5 build 19589 QuarkXPress 2020 v16.3.4 win/mac Autodesk Netfabb Ultimate 2021.1 R1 ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia 2020 Chess Assistant 20 v12.00 Build 0 CSoft Project Studio CS 2019 ELECTRICS v19.0.4969.4969 ChessOK Aquarium 2020 v13.0.0 Build 101 Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney Architect v 27.0.40680.4203 S.T.S. WinRoad 2020 v25.1.1.2646 Squirrels AirParrot MSC CAEfatigue 2020 with Resource Pack Smith Micro Moho Pro 13.5.1 ITI TranscenData CADfix 12 SP1 MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update Update 15.2 v10.15.02.11 MSC Nastran 2020 SP1 with Documentation Siemens Simcenter 3D Low Frequency EM 2020.1 Siemens NX 1892.4101 (1872 Series) DipTrace DP Technology ESPRIT 2020 R1 (B19.20.202.2645) Maplesoft Maple 2020.1.1 win/liunx Autodesk Inventor Nesting Utility 2021 Intel System Studio Ultimate Edition 2020 Update 3 Simcenter Flomaster 2021.1 InstallShield 2020 R1 Premier Edition 26.0.546.0 Cradle scPOST 2020 Patch 6 MiniTAB Workspace RSLogix5000 version 28.00 Realtime Landscaping Architect 2020 v20.0 ComponentPro Ultimate Studio 2020.Q1 v7.2.234 TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411 Cradle scSTREAM + HeatDesigner 2020 Patch 6 FunctionBay Multi-Body Dynamics for ANSYS 2020 R1 Cradle scFLOW 2020 Patch 6 MiniTool Partition Wizard Enterprise 12.5 + WinPE ISO XLN Audio XO v1.1.3.3 WiN Cradle scTETRA 14.0 Patch 6 x64 Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22 Mician uWave Wizard 2020 v9.0.0.142 MSC Actran 2020.0 Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.2.0 v5054 for Catia V5 MSC Apex 2020 Feature Pack 1 with Documentation Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2020 v7.07.01 Autodesk Powermill Ultimate 2021.1.1 vactran v3.48.0.1 Autodesk FeatureCAM Ultimate 2021.0.3 Autodesk PowerInspect Ultimate 2021 Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.2.2 v5244 for PTC CREO / Siemens NX Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.2.0 v5054 Standalone NextLimit Maxwell 5 version 5.2.0 for ArchiCAD nanoSoft.nanoCAD.OPS v11.0.4958.4958 NVivo Plus Release 1.5.1 v20.5.1.940x64 PhotoModeler Premium 2020.1.1.1 Xilinx Vitis-AI Release 1.0 nanoSoft nanoCAD Electro v11.0.5093.5093 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.2.7 Update7 x86/x64 NextLimit Maxwell 5 version 5.2.0 for Cinema 4D NextLimit Maxwell 5 version for 3ds Max Maxwell 5 Studio v5.2.0.45 with Plugins Maxwell 5 SketchUp v5.2.0 NextLimit Maxwell 5 v5.1.0 for Maya 2016-2020 Maxwell 5 For FormZ 8 and 9 v5.2.0.5 After Effects Plugin Bundle 1 May 2020 Mac DotSoft C3DTools v9.0.0.7 CulvertMaster CONNECT Edition V10 Update 3 PTC Creo 4.0 M130 with HelpCenter MSC Adams 2020 Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC Board Support Packages 2019.2 Gammadyne String-O-Matic 29.0 I-Products ScheduleReader v7.5.0 PRO build 51260 Autodesk Inventor OEM 2021 Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Board Support Packages 2019.2 TransMagic R12.22.900 SP2.2 Four Dimension Technologies GeoTools v21.00 Thermo Scientific Open Inventor Toolkit 10.5.1 NI FlexLogger Plugin Development Kit 1.2 Xilinx PetaLinux 2019.2 nanoSoft nanoCAD Designs v6.0.4105.12214 Xilinx MicroBlaze Board Support Packages 2019.2 LumenRT CONNECT Edition Update 14 (build with Content Graitec ArchiWIZARD 2020 version 8.2 Siemens NX 1919 Build 4360 (1899 Series) Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2021 Microsys Planets 3D Pro 1.1 MAXSURF CONNECT Edition V23 Update 6 GeoModeller v2023 NI LabVIEW NXG 5.1 FPGA Module SolidCAD/CAM 2020 SP1 Standalone Autodesk 2021 Software Pack ISO NI LabVIEW 2020 SP1 v20.1.0 + Toolkits and Modules Autodesk ReCap Pro 2021.1 Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2021 (x64) SolidCAM 2020 / InventorCAM 2020 Documents and Training Materials Siemens NX 1892.3500 (1872 Series) Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Premium 2021.4 (x64) MAGIX Samplitude Pro X5 Suite (x64) Autodesk Vault Products 2021 JetBrains Rider 2020.3.2 win/mac nanoSoft nanoCAD v11.0.5040.5040 NeuraLog 2020.01 Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 2021 InventorCAM 2019 SP2 HF9 for Autodesk Inventor Autodesk InventorCAM 2021 Build Autodesk Infraworks 2021.2.1 Autodesk Flame 2021 Mac Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2021 Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise 2020 Volume 4 SP1 v18.4.0.39 Strand7 R2.4.6 + Webnotes Autodesk InventorCAM Ultimate 2021.3.2 Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2021.3.0 Cracked software download. -------------------------------------- Pls mail to: kelikeli006#hotmail.com change # into @ Ctrl + F to search software. Pls mail to: kelikeli006#hotmail.com change # into @ --------------------------------------- |