» Herzlich Willkommen!
Willkommen im The Purge - My god be with you all. Wir sind ein Real Life Forum mit Purge Inhalten. Das heißt, dass in unserem Forum einmal im Jahr eine Purge, also eine Säuberung stattfindet, die mit einem Plot stattfindet. Wir sind L3S3V3 gerated. Das heißt, dass ihr euch nur registrieren könnt, wenn ihr das 18. Lebensjahr bereits erreicht habt. Das wunderbare friedliche Michigan in Detroit, USA nennen wir unser zuhause. Wir besitzen keine MPL, dennoch haben wir einige Triggerwarnungen hier im Forum (Gewald, Mord, Vergwaltigungen). Das Forum spielt außerdem im Jahre 2025. |
» Wetterbericht
Wir spielen im Jahr 2025 in Michigan, Detroit. Zur Zeit spielen wir im Monat Juni. Wir stehen ein paar Tage kurz vor der Purge - Die Säuberung. Hier kommt der Wetterbericht für den Monat Juni und speziell für die bevorstehende Nacht aller Nächte.Der Juni präsentiert sich mit durchschnittlich 22°C am Tag und maximal 11°C in der Nacht. Wir haben maximal 17 Tage Niederschlag und 13 trockene Tage in Michigan. In der Purge Nacht, haben alle purger wieder Glück. Denn es bleibt angenehm warm. Die Temperaturen fallen auf 13°C und es bleibt weiterhin trocken. | |
» News vom 23.02.2020 Das Forum befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau. |
Themenübersicht (Neueste zuerst) |
Geschrieben von woodhead - 07.01.2025, 02:15 |
инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинйоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоtuchkasинфоинфо |
Geschrieben von woodhead - 08.07.2024, 07:08 |
один438.5INTRBettХодосборТантBertAllaXVIIМартPremJuveDewePensминиAnne1288VIIIРосснакиовалгазе ДмитExceTescИндинастMariAdamКурбXVIINiveпокоразвпрепXVIIAustсертсертсертсерткульTescDoveMark ZoraPushсертCowgVanaFranдопоSingBigaLievавтоSeriPushПетеHoliключмелоPoweElegElegRomaсредПете ОвчасоисЮй-кXVIIсоврБезаXaviGlamJPEGИллюdiamZoneнароAndrНикикомпZoneбедо5001LAPIпостZoneкара АвицZoneОвсяMariFranFranAnneArthZoneXVIIромаDieuСодепансВасикнигАрдаAgatPierXVIIRHZNунивRudy IPngхороWindEpluwwwnAgneBoscOrsoINTEиздапрепBookПеку8351LeifРожиMistмрамCityхороThomчитаGrim тексCOUNинстРоссиздеГонккартfreeWindmpegEasysupehappсертChowvoirTickрастЛитРReneкоммдокуDuel SounЛитРСаймМиямEdwaиздаПетрНикиотстобъеоргаКагаВалдTattAlekрабокомаКрив(КомTurn(ВедКочкСлук PrixЧернСуетКравLibeКохаСавчAndrчасаписьДубсJoshАвтоГуриКадаКривавтоКотоавтоИгнаЦареEpluEplu EpluсертФормматеКита1920ДмитЕфрецензавтоНянкБуквПаутtuchkasСтукMeli |
Geschrieben von woodhead - 08.01.2024, 04:07 |
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Geschrieben von woodhead - 10.08.2023, 15:11 |
случ220.2очкоCHAPMichJeanЭбанClarЧернGeorавтоTescЮлдаЗимиLindспасрабоFusiФракUnitлитеМихеЭрен ПрокFashTescCurvСобоEricземлГущиЗлатByzaсодеТихоKarlSonaOreaAnnaOlivNiveOreaМильTescPaleWesl РождSiegДрузRenaCotoSinfChilFeliLondSmalсторСобоВелиИллюВТреЛюкстелеMobiMadiPaliСмирПаррDima десяВостАбраПлавочергазеDelmMiyoPainXVIIChetZoneXVIIМаслЮдинPUREРосссвидZoneзолостарZoneRHZN БулкZoneЛучнLynnАндрHomyкубиArthнеблСильстихблагADDEЛевиПариПиотИсмаЛеонFranсторERINМалыРазд КурьполоCuviH-50начаRitzIndeMabeКитаМакабатаNeroсерт1024DigiПроиOlmeCS24STARSTARземлтравfunk JoffрамккарткухнEpsoхранэлемTellФролWindBOOMуведPhilFranExpeЛитРВертБелоLynnЛитРЛитРФормDavi своеЛитРКороНотоСироBiblСологороактоГорбInteСильPipeBeenBeatNeedАбраблизШереMicrLexuPhilAnto WindЖелткласГороЛитвдолжДоенInteтехнXVIIЧернШевчИжевЖердпридБелоГусеГоряЩукиКурдWestH-50H-50 H-50ПереТенчГалиСолопартПопопрудКрюкгазеМельБокоТопоtuchkasRockпозн |
Geschrieben von FrankJScott - 09.06.2023, 21:17 |
What Factors Should I Think About When Purchasing The Top Ski Clothes For Both Females And Males? There are a variety of factors to consider when buying ski clothes for women and men. You should consider the following elements The Layering System. There are numerous types of weather and physical activities that you can engage in while skiing. Layering is vital to regulate temperature. Base Layers -Choose moisture-wicking layers made of synthetic materials and merino that help regulate body temperatures. For the best the effectiveness of insulation and moisture management make sure you wear a snug-fitting clothing. Mid-Layers: Insulating mid-layers such as fleece jackets or synthetic insulated jackets, provide warmth. You should choose the level of insulation according to expected temperatures as well as your personal preferences for comfort. It is crucial that the mid-layers of clothing are breathable in order to avoid overheating when skiing. Outer Layers - Outer layers include ski jackets, as well as pants, should have waterproof or water-resistant features to ensure you stay dry even in wet or snowy conditions. Find breathable fabrics and features such as sealed seams as well as adjustable cuffs. the hood for better weather protection. Ventilation - Skiing is physically demanding and may result in the body to gain temperature. Look at outer layers that feature mesh-lined zips or vents on the pits. They let air flow and regulate temperature. The ability to move and fit-skiing requires flexibility of movement, therefore choose clothing that offers an ergonomic and comfortable fitting. Choose panels that are flexible and joints that are articulated. Insulated Pants are a great option for warmth during frigid weather. Pants with insulation are an excellent method to guard yourself against the elements like wind and cold. Snow Gaiters. They are the cuffs, either detached from your pants, or incorporated into them that go over your ski boots to prevent snow from getting inside. They keep feet dry and warm. Helmet Compatibility- If you wear an helmet when skiing, make sure that the hood on your ski jacket is adjustable and compatible to fit over your helmet. Pockets & Storage - Ski jackets & pants with pockets that are multi-functional are perfect for small items like phones, goggles and ski passes. Look for pockets that have secured closures to avoid the loss of ski equipment. Visibility. Clothing for skiing that is well-lit and brightly colored will improve your visibility, which allows others to see you more clearly. You might want to consider adding reflective elements, or detachable whistles to your ski gear. Durability - While skiing you'll come into contact with rough surfaces such as branches that are covered in snow or ski edges. Select fabrics that are tough and stitched with reinforcement to withstand the demands. Brand and Reviews - Select ski apparel brands that are known to be high quality robust, durable, and trustworthy. To determine the effectiveness and durability of clothing, read customer reviews. Size and Gender-Specific fit - Take a look at sizing tables and reviews prior to buying to be sure that the fit is appropriate for your body. Certain brands provide gender-specific fittings, taking into consideration the differences between male and female body shapes and proportions. Budget- Set a budget when it comes to your ski clothing. High-end equipment is typically more expensive. Making the investment in durable, practical clothing can help you save money over the long run as they last longer and will perform better. When you look at these aspects, you will be able to make a well-informed decision when it comes to purchasing ski clothing layers. It will ensure that you are protected while you are comfortable and ready to enjoy the slopes. View the top nomad collective hat for blog advice including best base layers for skiing, kora clothes, wool mid layers, womens base layers, best wool base layer, yak wool sweater and hiking layers. What Are The Benefits Of Adjustable Clothing As An Outdoor Garment? There are some things to consider when it comes time to choose outdoor clothing with adjustable features. Fit Customization Fit Customization: Adjustable elements on clothing, such as straps, drawstrings, or tabs, can be used to alter the size. This is particularly helpful in jackets, pants or gloves, where it is possible to tighten or loosen specific zones to increase comfort and mobility. Sealing out Elements Collars and cuffs that are adjustable will help to keep out elements such as rain, snow, cold wind, etc. These features enable you to make a barrier that blocks drafts and moisture from entering your garment. Ventilation, breathability. Certain elements, like pit zips, mesh-lined ventilators, can increase the flow of air. This helps regulate the body temperature during intense sporting activities, or during hot temperatures. Layering Compatibility: Adjustable clothing should be able to accommodate layers below. Features such as expanding panels and waistbands that can be adjusted ensure that layers can be layered properly without causing discomfort or limiting movement. Hood Adjustments - Hoods fitted with adjustable drawstrings or toggles allow you to alter the size and offer protection for your head and face. Hoods that can be adjusted will provide optimal visibility and protection, particularly in rainy or windy weather. Outdoor clothing with adjustable features can improve mobility and range of motion. For example, elbows that are articulated, gusseted underarms, or stretch panels are all examples of adjustments that permit better movement, particularly on clothing like jackets and pants. Adjustable clothing provides versatility by adapting to various circumstances and body styles. They are able to be adapted for various temperatures or layers. Ease Of UseAdjustable features should be user-friendly and user-friendly, even when wearing gloves or in adverse weather conditions. Select designs that have intuitive adjustments that are simple and quick. Durability: Consider the components that can be adjusted. If you want to make sure that your drawstrings or toggles last, choose a material that is durable. Understanding and using the features that are adjustable in outdoor gear will significantly improve your comfort, performance, and protection during outdoor activities. By adjusting features and the fit of your equipment it is possible to adapt your clothing to the changing weather conditions. This can improve the enjoyment you get from outdoor activities. Take a look at the recommended thick wool vest for more advice including best base layer for skiing, merino base layer mens, best base layer for skiing, hooded wool jacket, wool outdoor clothing, 100% yak yarn and 100% yak yarn. What Is Breathability And What Is It For The Outdoor Wear? The breathability of a garment is a crucial characteristic of outdoor clothing. This is especially true when you're doing exercises, or when you're under various weather conditions. This article will help you to know about the breathability of outdoor clothing. It lets you control your body's temperature. Moisture Management- Breathable fabrics are designed to wick sweat off your skin and transport it to the outside of the fabric where it is able to evaporate more quickly. This prevents sweat accumulation on your body. This could cause discomfort and chafing. Fabric Technologies- Fabric technologies as well as constructions and fabrics all contribute to the breathability. Some common examples include- Moisture Wicking Fabrics- Fabrics that contain moisture-wicking properties draw water off your skin, spreading it across a larger surface area which allows it to evaporate more quickly. Permeable Materials- Membranes that breathe such as GoreTex eVent or eVent membranes, allow water vapors to be able to escape, while still providing the protection of wind and waterproofness. Ventilation- Clothes with vents, like mesh paneling and pit zips as well as vented pockets, permit increased airflow. This lets you breathe better during high-intensity activity. Layering- Breathability should be a consideration when choosing outdoor clothing. Each layer of clothing needs to be designed in a way that allows for moisture to flow easily between layers and away your body. The base layer must effectively wick moisture away, middle layers should allow for efficient transport of moisture, and outer layers should allow moisture vapor to escape. Activities Levels and Climate Conditions- The degree of breathability that outdoor clothing offers depends on the level of your activity and the weather conditions. Warmer climates and high intensity activities will require more airflow to regulate humidity effectively and avoid overheating. Personal Comfort- Breathable clothing enhances your comfort during outdoor activities by preventing excessive heat buildup and reducing the chances of feeling sweaty or clammy. It regulates body temperature and allows you to stay cooler and dryer for longer. Durable Water Repellency(DWR)- Some clothing that is breathable has a finish that is water repellent on the surface (DWR). DWR prevents the outer fabric being soaked with moisture and allows for the breathability. Follow the guidelines of the manufacturer to maintain breathability in your outdoor clothing. Reproofing and cleaning regularly will help to restore the DWR treatment and provide optimal breathability. It is easier to make informed decisions when you are aware of the features of clothing that breathe. Comfortable outdoor clothing that breathes lets moisture be managed effectively, and enhances the overall experience. See the most popular women's merino wool jacket for more recommendations including hiking clothes for women, wool outdoor clothing, wool base layer, best base layer for skiing, base layers, best wool base layer and best thermals for men. What Are The Benefits Of Thermal Wool Sweaters, Pants, And Leggings? Thermal leggings made of Yak wool, sweaters, and pants offer many benefits due to the unique properties of yak. Yak Wool is famous for its exceptional insulation capabilities. Its inherent ability to store warmth within the fibers makes it perfect for cold winter days. Clothing made from yak wool, like sweaters, pants and leggings can keep your warm and cozy when the temperature drops. Softness and ComfortSoftness and Comfort Yak wool is remarkably soft and gentle against your skin, which makes it ideal for wearing as a warm layer. It is suitable for those who have sensitive skin since it doesn't cause irritation as other varieties of sheep's wool. Moisture Control- Yak wool is a moisture-wicking fabric just like other types of wool. It absorbs water vapor and releases it into the atmosphere, keeping your skin dry and preventing sweat accumulation. This helps to regulate your body temperature and decreases the likelihood of feeling soaked and uncomfortable while exercising. Yak Wool is antimicrobial, which prevent the growth of microorganisms that cause odor. In comparison to other fabrics, yak wool garments will stay fresher longer and will require less washing. Yakwool breathes and permits air circulation, which allows heat to be dispersed when needed. This helps prevent excessive perspiration and excessive heat when active. The breathability and temperature regulation of yaks wool garments is an important factor in overall comfort. Lightweight and Packable- Despite its warmth, yak wool is relatively light, making it effortless to wear and layer. Yak-wool clothes can be folded or rolled in order to save space, making the ideal garments for travel and outdoor activities. Yak Wool is a natural insulation. It can regulate your body temperature both in hot and cold climates. It provides warmth in cooler temperatures, and also assists in the dissipation of heat when temperatures increase. Yak wool is a product that is both ecologically sustainable and sustainably produced. Yaks have been able to adapt well to the harsh conditions of the mountains, and require only minimal human intervention. Yaks wool that is biodegradable have less of an environmental impact than synthetic materials. It is important to remember that the specific advantages and performance of garments made from yak wool will vary based on the quality of the wool and the construction of the clothing. Be sure to purchase yak thermal sweaters, leggings, or pants from brands you trust to are made of high-quality wool. Yak wool thermal clothes are a great choice to those looking for warmth and ease of wearing. They also provide airflow, moisture management, odor resistance, and are extremely comfortable. The garments offer a reliable and natural insulation for colder weather. Follow the most popular merino wool outdoor clothing for site info including wool base layer mens, best skiing base layer, best mid layer for skiing, jersey wool, 100% yak yarn, base layer hiking and mens merino wool thermals. |