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gocad v2022 - davy_agtenii - 12.11.2023 Pls mail to: yamile5678#hotmail.com change # into @ ========= Integrated Engineering Software Magneto 9.2 Integrated Engineering Software Oersted 9.2 Integrated Engineering Software VisualAnalysis v19.00.0004 Integrated Engineering Software VisualFoundation v10.00.0001 Integrated.FARADAY.v8 Integrated.Oersted.v9 Intel C Plus Plus Compiler 11.0.074 Intel Cluster OpenMP for Intel C Plus Plus Compiler for 9.1 Intel Cluster Toolkit Compiler Edition 3.1 Intel Graphics Driver for Windows 10/11 x64 Intel Integrated Performance Primitives 5.2.057 Linux IXP4XX Intel Math Kernel Library v9.1.025 Intel OneApi Developer Tools 2023.1 x64/ 2023.0 Linux Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.3.1 win/Linux/mac Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4 win/mac/lliunx Intel Quartus Prime Pro 22.3 (x64) Intel System Studio Ultimate Edition 2020 Update 3 Intel Thread Checker 3.1 LINUX Intel Thread Profiler 3.1 Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector v7.0.1.006 LINUX Intel Visual Fortran Compiler 11.1.051 ITANIUM Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.0.010 IntelliCAD.Fine.ELEC.10.NG.v6.6.59.3 Intellicate Schedule24 v5.5.0 Intelligen SuperPro Designer 10.7 Intelligent Light FieldView v20.0 Win64 IntelliSense IntelliSuite 9.0 IntelTechniques Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) 2021-5 InteractionEngine_Pro2.5 Interactive Petrophysics 2023 v5.1 IP 5.1 Intercept Pantheon 5.0 Intercim.CimPRO-Win32_v5.4 Intercorr Predict v4.0 Intergraph CADWorx Draftpro 2015 v15.0 Intergraph CADWorx inc Equipment 2018.v18.0.0 x64 Intergraph CADWorx Structure 2019 x64 Intergraph CAESAR II With FEA Tools 2019 v11.00.00 Intergraph COADE TANK 2017 SP1 Intergraph ERDAS Extensions 2018 for ArcGIS 10.6 Intergraph ERDAS Foundation 2014 v14.0 Intergraph Erdas Imagine 2013 Suite Intergraph ERDAS Orima 2014 Intergraph ERDAS PRO600 2018 for MicroStation V8i Intergraph ERDAS Suite 2014 v14.0 Intergraph GeoMedia Desktop 2016.v16.0 Intergraph GT STRUDL 2016 v35.0 Intergraph Intools Engineering Suite 5.2-ISO Intergraph Plant Design System 8.0 PDS8.0 Intergraph PVElite 2019 v21 Intergraph Smart 3D 2016 v11.00.84.0099 Intergraph Smartplant 3D 2014 R1 Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 2015 v07.00.00.0448 Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation 2014 v05.00.00.0018 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 2013 Intergraph SmartPlant Interop Publisher 2014 x64 Intergraph smartplant Intools v8.0-ISO Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID 2014 R1 HF3 v07.01.00.0292 Intergraph SmartPlant Review 2017 v12.00.00.0501 Intergraph SmartPlant Spoolgen Isometrics 2014.v08.00 R1 Intergraph SmartSketch 2014.v08.00.00 Intergraph TANK 2016 v8.00.00 Interoctive Petrophysics 5.1 2023 Interpex IX1D v3.50 Interpex.IXRefrax.v1.13 Intersect 2022 Interval Software Envision Image Library v4.01 Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer 5.6.0 intouch 2014 R2 IntraWeb Ultimate Edition 15.3.6 intrepid 6.2 Intrepid Geophysics GeoModeller 2023 v4.2.0 x64 Introducing JMAG-Designer Ver 10.5 Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Accountant 2021 v21.0 / Solutions 2023 v23.0 Intuit Quicken 2017 Deluxe R1 Intuit TurboTax Individual 2022 US-All Editions INTUIT.QUICKBOOKS.ENTERPRISE.SOLUTIONS.11.0 Intuit.TurboTax.Business.2008 IntuSoft ICAP4 IsSpice 8.1.6 INTUSOFT ICAP4 WINDOWS V8.1.6 IntuSoft Magnetics Designer4.1 INTViewer v4.5.1 Inus Rapidform XOR3 SP1 v3.1.0.0 x64 inux32 INVENSYS SIMSCI DYNSIM 2022 Invensys Simsci HexTran 2022 INVENSYS SimSci PipePhase 2022 INVENSYS SIMSCI PRO/II 2022 Invensys Simsci Romeo 2022 InventorCAM 2024.0.1 invivo imaging dental 6.0 ioAnalytics ioGAS 7.0 build 1043 IObit Driver Booster Pro IObit Malware Fighter Pro Multilingual IObit Smart Defrag Pro IObit Uninstaller Pro Multilingual Ion Geophysical GMG MESA Expert v12.00 ION GMG Millennium 5.7 Iosgraph availability workbench 4.0 IP (Interactive Petrophysics) 2023 5.1 IP 2023(5.1) Iperius Backup Full 7.8.3 IPIX Interactive Studio v1.4.2 IPM 12.5 IPM.Petroleum.Expert.v12.5 I-Products Primavera Reader Pro v5.0.1.50895 I-Products ScheduleReader v7.5.0 PRO build 51260 iQ.VIEW.3D.v2.8.0.101 IQMaps v01.04.013 Iqstar 1.2 IRAI.Automgen.with.Automsim.v8.10 Irap RMS 2010 Win64 IRAZU v4 IRIS.Comsys.Pro.v06.03.00 IRIS.Electre.Pro.v02.02.00 IRIS.Readiris.Corporate.v14.build.2129 Irish Acts Studio Infinity 3 WIN/OSX + EXPANSIONS IRISmart Security Iron Speed Designer Enterprise v4.3 .NET IRONCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2023 SP1 x64 IronCAD.Inovate.v11.0 IrriExpress v3.3.0.0 ISATIS V2012.4 ©Geovariances isatis.neo mining v2022.08 x64 isatis.neo Petroleum 2020.02 ISD HiCAD & HELiOS 2018 x64 ISE Design Suite v12.2 Isee Systems iThink Pro 9.0.1 Isee.Systems.STELLA.v9.1.3 iShredder Professional Isight 2021 Isograph Availability Workbench 4.0 ISOGRAPH AVSIM 10.0 Isograph Hazop+ v7.0 isograph reliability workbench 14.0 Isotropix Clarisse 5.0 SP12 x64 i-Sound Recorder for Win 7 iSpring Suite 11.2.1 Build 3005 x64/ 9.7.2 x86 ISTRAM ISPOL 2022 ITASCA 3DEC 7.2 ITASCA FlAC 8.10.461 x64 Itasca FLAC3D 7.00.90 x64 Itasca Griddle 2.00.12 for Rhinoceros 5.x/6.x/7.x 2021 Itasca Kubrix 15.0 ITASCA MINEDW 3.05 ITASCA PFC Suite 6.00.14 x64 ITASCA PFC2D 3.10.234 ITASCA PFC3D 3.0.192 Itasca software 9.00.160 Itasca UDEC 7.00.50 Itasca XSite 3.00.13 x64 itech ACORD v6.2.0 Itedo.Isodraw.v6.0 iThoughts 6.4 Win/ 9.3 macOS ITI SimulationX Pro 3.8 ITI TranscenData CADfix 12 SP1 Itoo Forest Pack Pro 6.3.0 for 3ds Max 2020-2021 ITTVIS ENVI v5.0 ITTVIS IDL 7.1 iTubeGo YouTube Downloader 6.9.9 Multilingual Win/macOS iTwin Analytical Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V12 Update 2 IVCAD 3.7 IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Professional.v7.1.2b.477 IvySoft Pipemill 4.0 IX1D v3 ixForTen 4000 ixRay.ixForTen.4000.v4.9.8 JAR reconstrucer 3.3.0 x64 Jason WorkBench 10.2 Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 17.0 x64/Linux/mac JCT Consultancy LinSig JDPaint 5.19 JDSU E6474A_17.0-3 Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2311 Full World JetBrains AppCode 2023.1.1 macOS JetBrains CLion 2023.1.3 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains DataGrip 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains GoLand 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains PhpStorm 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains PyCharm Pro 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2023.1 JetBrains Rider 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains RubyMine 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetBrains WebStorm 2023.1.2 Windows/Linux/macOS JetCAM V15.56 Jewel Suite Geomechanics 2018.1.698 JewelCAD Pro 2.2.3 Build 20190416 JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2022.2 JewelSuite Subsurface Modeling 2019.4.8470 JFOLD 7.02 JixiPix Rip Studio 1.1.5 win/mac JKBench v1.15 JKSimBlast JKTech JKSimMet v5.3.21 JMAG designer 22 JMAG Studio 9.0 JMatPro v12 jmp pro 14.3 JOA JewelSuite Enterprise 2011 v2.1.42.0 John.M. Campbell.GCAP.9th.Edition.v9.1.0 JP Software Take Command 30.00.18 x64 Multilingual JRiver Media Center 31.0.17 Win/ 25.0.123 macOS JSMastery Pro CryptoKet Web3 NFT Marketplace Web Application 2022-6 JSMastery Pro Filmpire AI-Powered Movie Web Application 2022-9 JSONBuddy 7.2 JSTAMP v2.19 JUKI PM-1 v3.20 X64 Junctions 8 Jungo WinDriver 10.21 Kali Linux 2023.2 x86/x64 Kalkules Kameleon FireEx KFX 3.4.9 KAPPA Ecrin 5.3.1 KAPPA Emeraude 5.20 KAPPA Saphir 3.2 KAPPA Workstation v5.40 KBC FEESA Maximus 6.20 x64 KBC Infochem Multiflash 6.1.25 Win64 KBC Petro-SIM and SIM Reactor Suite 7.2 KBC.Infochem.Multiflash.v6.0.09 Keil MDK v5.38a + DFP / C51 v9.60a / C166 v7.57 / C251 v5.60 Keil RealView Microcontroller Development Kit v4.12 Keil.products.from.ARM.2015.1 Kellyware KCam 4.0.11 Kelton Flocalc.net/UncertaintyPlus.net 1.8 Kentico Xperience CMS v13.0 KEPLER.7-EcHoS kepware 5.20 Kepware Linkmaster v2.40 Kernel For Exchange Server Recovery v20.5 KESZ ConSteel / csJoint 14 x64 Key to Steel v2005 Keycreator.v2015.3D.CAD Keynetix HoleBASE SI Keynetix KeyAGS Professional v4.4.4.50 KeyShot 4.2.35 Keyshot 9 Luxion KeyShot Pro 9.3.14 keyshot Network Rendering (x64) KeyShot10.Plugin.v1.0.for.NX.8.5-1926.Series.Win64 KeySight (Agilent) Genesys 2023 Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) 2023.1.2 Keysight Agilent GoldenGate 2020.0 Linux64 Keysight EMPro 2020.1 Keysight Genesys 2022 Win64 Keysight GoldenGate 2020 Linux64 Keysight IC-CAP 2020.2 x64 Keysight MBP 2020.1 Win64 Keysight Model Builder Program (MBP) 2020.1 Keysight Model Quality Assurance (MQA) 2020.1 Keysight PathWave EM Design (EmPro) 2022 Keysight PathWave RF Synthesis Genesys 2023 x64 Keysight Physical Layer Test System(PLTS) 2021 Keysight SystemVue 2023 x64 Keysight VEE Pro 9.0 Keysight VNA Series Network Analyzer A.15.75.19 Keysight WaferPro Xpress 2020.1 Killetsoft NT v2 Creator 1.10 Killetsoft NT v2 Tools v1.14 Killetsoft TRANSDAT Professional 24.01 KineMAP Digital MAP Software 5.0 Kinetics v2.1 R10129 (x64) Kinetix 2022 techlog 2022 Kingdom software SMT 2022 Pls mail to: yamile5678#hotmail.com change # into @ ========= |