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SynaptiCAD.AllProducts.v13.24a.SOLARIS SynaptiCAD.v2v SuperWORKS v7.0 Code Composer Studio(CCS) v6.0.1.00040.Win32 TI.C5000.Code.Composer.Studio.v2.0-ISO TI.Code Composer Studio v5.21-ISO TI.Code.Composer.Studio.v2.2.for.C6X TI.Msp430.KickStart.v3.01 TI-Nspire.Computer.Link.Software.MultiLanguage-ISO BPA 2006 DeviceXPlorer OPC Server 2007 v4.2.1.0004 DSA PowerTools v4.0-ISO EMTP-RV (EMTPWorks) v4.2.1 EMTPWorks v2.02 Gaia.v4.2.0.1.MultiLanguage.WinALL GENESIS32 v7.2 DAQFactory Pro v5.87a Build 1972 FactoryTalk View Studio 2019 v11.00.00 Build CPR 9 SR 11 MHJ-Software PLC-Lab Pro 2.3.0 Movicon v11.3 Progea Movicon.NExT v3.4.263 PCFLO v6.0 Power World Simulator v8.0 ScopeView v1.12 System Configurator (SyCon) Hilscher v2.9 Schneider Electric Win32-ISO Vision.v5.7.3.1.MultiLanguage.WinALL Mentor Graphics Xpedition Enterprise VX.2.11 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.AMS.v13.1.ELDO.Win32 Mentor.Graphics.AMS.v2011.1 Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.AMS.v2010.2a.Linux Mentor.Graphics.AMS.v2010.2a.Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.Board.Station.XE.Flow Mentor.Graphics.BST.v2004.Spac5.Linux.DVD-ISO Mentor.Graphics.Certe.Testbench.Studio.2011.3a.Linux Mentor.Graphics.CodeSourcery.CodeBench.v2011.03.Win32 Mentor.Graphics.DesignAnalyst 2005.1 Mentor Graphics Tessent 2023.1 LinuxMentor.Graphics.Design-For-Test Mentor Graphics DFT Scan and ATPG Training student workbook Mentor.Graphics.EXP.v2005.Spac1-ISO Mentor.Graphics.ePD.2004.Spac2 Mentor.Graphics.EN.2004.Spac4 Mentor.Graphics.IC.Flow.v2008.2a Linux-ISO Mentor.Graphics.ICX.TAU.2004.Spac2 Mentor.Graphics.IO.Designer.v7.4 Mentor.Graphics.IND.v2006-ISO Mentor.Graphics.QE.2004.Spac2 Mentor.Graphics.Questa.VIP.v10.6.Windows.&.Linux Mentor.Graphics.SDD.2004.Spac2 Mentor.Graphics.WG.2004.Spac2 Mentor.Graphics.ISD.2004.Spac4-ISO Mentor Graphics Calibre DefectReview v2020.1.17.9 Win7 Mentor Graphics Calibre v2023.2.16.9 Linux Mentor Graphics Calibre v2022.2.38.20 (aoj) Linux Mentor Graphics Calibre 2021.2_28.15 (aoi) Linux Mentor.Graphics.Calibre.2021.Linux Mentor.Graphics.Calibre.v2012.2.36.35.Linux Mentor.Graphics.Calibre.v2007.4.44.36.Solars Mentor.Graphics.Calibre v2006 for SUN Mentor.Graphics.Cam.Output.Manager.v2002.2r3 Mentor Graphics Capital 2015.1.162 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.Capital.Capture.v2005.REPACK-ISO Mentor Graphics Catapult C Synthesis v2011a.41 Mentor Graphics Catapult C Synthesis v2010a.198 Linux Mentor Graphics Catapult HLS v10.1b Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.Design.Capture.v7.9.5 Update 5.Full.Windows Mentor.Graphics.Design.Capture.to.DxDesigner.v2007.3 Mentor Graphics Design Capture 2007.7 Mentor.Graphics.Discovery.Signalvision.V2002.2 Mentor.Graphics.DMS.v2005-ISO Mentor Graphics X-ENTP VX 1.2 Win64 Mentor Graphics Expedition X-ENTP VX.1.1 Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.X-ENTPVX.v1.1.Update3.Win64 Mentor Graphics Expedition X-ENTP VX.1 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics Xpedition Enterprise VX.2.6 Win64 Mentor Graphics Xpedition Enterprise VX.2.2 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow(EE) VX.1 Win32 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow(EE) VX.1 Win64 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow EE v7.9.5 + DMS v7.9.5 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow(EE) v7.9.5 Win32 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow(EE) v7.9.5.Update 11 Win32 Mentor Graphics EE 7.9.5 Update 23 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics Expedition Enterprise Flow(EE) v7.9.4 + DMS v7.9.4 Win32 Mentor.Graphics Expedition 2005 SP3 & Capture 16.0-ISO Mentor.Graphics.Edif200.Schematic.Interface.V2002.Spac2 Mentor Graphics Exemplar.Leonardo.Spectrum.v2002a Mentor.Graphics.FloVENT.v10.1.Update1.Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.FloVIZ.v10.1.Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.Flowmaster.v7.9.1 Mentor.Graphics.Flowmaster.7.9.5.Update.Only Mentor.Graphics.Flowmaster.7.9.4.Update.Only Mentor.Graphics.FormalPro v2011.2.0 Linux Mentor.Graphics.FormalPro v2008.2.0 Solars Mentor.Graphics.FPGA.Advantage.v8.2-ISO Mentor.Graphics.FPGA.Advantage.For.Hdl.Design.v5.4 Mentor Graphics HDL Designer Series (HDS) 2021.1 Win64 Mentor Graphics HDL Designer Series (HDS) 2020.2 Linux Mentor Graphics HDL Designer Series (HDS) 2018.2 Windows Mentor Graphics HDL Designer 2015.1b Win64 Mentor Graphics HDL Designer 2012.1 Win32 Mentor HDL Designer Series 2010.2a Linux Mentor.Graphics.HDS.v2013.1.Windows.&.Linux Mentor Graphics HyperLynx VX.2.10 Win64 Mentor Graphics HyperLynx SI/PI/Thermal v9.4.1 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.HyperLynx.9.4.Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.HyperLynx.v9.0.1.Win32_64.&.Linux32_64 Mentor Graphics Icx/TAU2004 SPac1 V3.4 Mentor.Graphics.IO.Designer.v2004.Spac2-ISO Mentor.Graphics.Leonardo.Spectrum.v2012b.Win32 Mentor.Graphics.Leonardo.Spectrum.v2005a.82.Including.Update1 Mentor.Graphics.LP.Wizard.v10.5.Win32 Mentor Graphics ModelSIM 2021.1 SE Win64 Mentor Graphics ModelSIM 2020.4 SE_DE Win64_Linux64 & PE Win32 Mentor Graphics Modelsim SE 2019.4 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE.v10.7c.Linux Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE. v10.7b.Win32_64 & Linux32_64 Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE.v10.6d.Win64 Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE.v10.4.Win64 Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE.v10.2c.Win32_64-ISO Mentor.Graphics.ModelSIM.SE.v10.2c.Linux32_64 Mentor.Graphics.ModelSim.SE-64.6.5f.Linux.i386.x86_64 Mentor.Graphics.Modelsim SE v6.1c Solars-ISO Mentor.Graphics.O-in v3.0 Linux Mentor Graphics Nucleus Source Code 2015.07 Lniux Mentor Graphics Olympus-SoC 2014.2 R2 Linux Mentor Graphics Olympus-SoC v2009.04.R3 LinuxAMD64 Mentor Graphics PowerPCB v5.0.1 Build 037 Mentor Graphics PowerPCB and BlazeRouter 5.0 Mentor Graphics PowerPro 2022.1.1 Linux Mentor Graphics PowerLogic v5.0 Build 113 Mentor Graphics Precision 2020.2 Win64 Mentor Graphics Precision 2019.1 Win64 & Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.Precision.v2018.1.Win64 Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis 2023.1 Linux64 Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis 2022.2 Linux64 Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis 2017.1 Linux64 Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis v2015.2 Win64 Mentor Graphics Precision Synthesis v2014.10 Win32 Mentor Graphics Precision RTL 2013b Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.Precision.Synthesis.RTL.Plus.2014b.Win64 Mentor.Graphics.Precision.RTL.Synthesis.v2012b.Win32 Mentor Graphics Precision RTL AE Synthesis v2008a Mentor Graphics Precision Physical Synthesis 2010a.&.Update1.Win32 Mentor.Graphics.Pyxis.v10.2.2.Linux32_64 Mentor Graphics QE2004 SPac1 Mentor Graphics Questa Ultra 10.7b Linux Mentor Graphics Questasim 2021.1 Win64 Mentor Graphics Questasim v2021.2.1 Linux Mentor Graphics QuestaSim Ultra 2021.2 Linux Mentor Graphics Questasim 10.7c Linux Mentor Graphics QuestaSim 10.6c Win32_64 Mentor Graphics QuestaSim SE 10.4e Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.Questasim.v10.6c.Reiease.2.Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.QuestaSim.v10.4c.Linux32_64 Mentor Graphics QuestaFormal Suite 2021.1 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.Questa.Formal.v10.1c.Linux Mentor Graphics Renoir 99.5 Mentor Graphics SDD2004 SPac1 Mentor.Graphics.Seamless.CVE.v5.4.Linux Mentor.Graphics.Seamless.FPGA.v5.4.3.0 Mentor Graphics Sourcery CodeBench 2014.05.46 Linux Mentor Graphics Sourcery CodeBench ARM 2014.11.96 Linux Mentor Graphics SystemVision 5.7 Update1.0 Win32 Mentor Graphics Tessent 2023.1 Linux Mentor Graphics Tessent 2019 Linux Mentor.Graphics.TannerTools.v2020.1.Update6.Full.Win64 Mentor Graphics Tanner EDA Tools 2019.2 Win64 & Linux64 Mentor Graphics Tanner L-Edit 2016.2 Mentor.Graphics.Variant.Manager.V2002.2r2 Mentor.Graphics.Vista.v3.5 Linux Mentor Graphics VeriBest v2000 Mentor Graphics VeSys v2.0.2009.0b-ISO Mentor Graphics WG2004 Mentor Graphics WG2004 SPac1 Siemens PADS Standard Plus VX.v2.11 Win64 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.v2.10 Win64 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.2.8 Update 1 Pro Win64 Mentor Graphics PADS Pro VX.v2.6 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus VX.2.3 Win32 Mentor Graphics PADS Standard Plus VX.v2.4 Win32_64 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.2.2 Standard Plus Mentor Graphics PADS Professional VX.2.1 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.1.2 Win32 Mentor Graphics PADS VX.1.2 Standard Mentor Graphics PADS PCB 9.5-ISO Mentor Graphics PADS 9.5 Update 2 Win32_64 PADS.PCB.2005.Build 7.1-ISO PADS PCB Design Solutions 2004 Build 70.1 PADS Translator 2007.1 Siemens Simcenter Flomaster 2023 Solid Edge Win64 Siemens Simcenter (ex. Mentor Graphics) Flomaster 2023.Win64 Siemens.Simcenter.Flovent.2020.2.Win64 Siemens Mentor Graphics Simcenter FloTHERM 2019.3 Win64 Siemens Mentor Graphics Simcenter FloTHERM XT 2019.3 Win64 Siemens Mentor Graphics Simcenter FloTHERM + FloTHERM PCB 2019.1 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.Flo-THERM-PCB-VENT-MCAD v11.3.Suite.Windows.&.Linux Siemens Simcenter Flotherm XT 2019.3 Win64 Siemens.Simcenter.Flotherm.XT.2019.1.Win64 Mentor Graphics FloTHERM XT 3.3 Win64 Mentor.Graphics.FloTHERM.12.2.Suite.Win64.&.Linux64 Content of suite FloTHERM 12.2 Linux64 FloTHERM 12.2 Win64 FloTHERM PCB 12.2 Win64 Mentor Graphics FloTHERM v11.2 Suite Win/Linux FloTHERM 11.2 build 16.21.1 Win/Linux FloVENT 11.2 build 16.21.1 Win FloMCAD Bridge Catia V5 11.2 build 16.21.1 Win FloTHERM PCB 8.2 Win Mentor Graphics FloTHERM Suite v11.0 Win32_64 FloTHERM 11.0 build 15.25.5 FloVENT 11.0 build 15.25.5 FloMCAD Bridge 11.0 build 15.25.5 FloVIZ 11.0 build 15.25.5 FloTHERM PCB 8.0 Mentor.Graphics.FloMCAD.Bridge.CATIAV5.Support.for.FloTHERM.v10.1.Win32_64 Mentor.Graphics.Flotherm.v10.0.Linux Mentor.Graphics.FloTHERM.v10.1.Update1.Linux Mentor Graphics FloTHERM 11.0 Update1 Only Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.FlothermPCB.v7.0-ISO Mentor.Graphics.FloTHERM.PCB.v7.1.Update1.Win32 Flomerics MicroStripes v7.5 Flomerics Flo/EMC v5.1 Flomerics FloTherm v6.1 Siemens.Simcenter.FloEFD.2020.1.0.v4949.Standalone.Win64 Mentor.Graphics.FloEFD.2019.2.0.v4632.Suite.Win64 Mentor Graphics FloEFD v16.1.0.3723 Suite Win64 Languages supported: English, German, French, Chinese Simplified, Japanese, Russian 1. FloEFD Standalone (no CAD-system is needed) 2. FloEFD for CATIA V5 Supported CATIA V5 versions CATIA V5-R26 (recommended SP2) 3. FloEFD for PTC Creo Supported PTC versions Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4 (recommended datecode M220) Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5 (recommended datecode M280) Creo Parametric 1.0 (recommended datecode M050) Creo Parametric 2.0 (recommended datecode M190) Creo Parametric 3.0 (recommended datecode M080) 4. FloEFD for Siemens NX Supported NX versions Siemens NX 10.0.0-10.0.3 Siemens NX 9.0.1-9.0.3 Siemens NX 8.5.1-8.5.2 Siemens NX 8.0.1-8.0.3 Siemens NX 7.5.1-7.5.5 5. FloEFD for Siemens Solid Edge Siemens Solid Edge ST6-ST9 Mentor.Graphics.FloEFD.15.0.3359.for.CATIAV5.Creo.NX.Win64.&.Linux64 Mentor.Graphics.FloEFD.v13.2.Suite.for.Catia.v5.&.Creo.&.NX.Win64-ISO FloEFD FE v11.4 Win32_64-ISO EFD pro v8.2-ISO EFD.Pro.v8.2.Win64 ArtWork.Conversion.ASM3500.v6.28 ArtWork.Conversion.ASM600.v6.52 ArtWork.Conversion.ASM850.v3.12 ArtWork.Conversion.ATG-III.v1.05 ArtWork.Conversion.Gbrip.v6.15 ArtWork.Conversion.ASM.500W.v6.27.DXF.to.Gerber.Translator ArtWork.Conversion.ASM2600.v7.01 ArtWork.Conversion.ASM550.v1.63.Mentor.to.DXF.Translator ArtWork.Conversion.ASM600.V6.43b.GDSII.to.Gerber.PostProcessor ArtWork.Conversion.ATG-III.v1.04 ArtWork.Conversion.GBRComp.v1.11 ArtWork.Conversion.Gbr-Rip.v6.25 ArtWork.Conversion.GB-RIP.II.v6.14.Gerber.to.Raster.Translator ArtWork.Conversion.GBRVU.v2.67 ArtWork.Conversion.GDSFilt.v1.51 ArtWork.Conversion.GDSPlot.v5.35A ArtWork.Conversion.Netex-G.v1.24B ArtWork.Conversion.PGSort.v1.34 ArtWork.Conversion.QCKBool.v1.10 ArtWork.Conversion.QCKVU.for.Prolith.v2.61 ArtWork.Conversion.QCKVU.v2.61 ArtWork.Conversion.QIS.v2.15 ArtWork.Conversion.STL2GBR.v1.14.STL.to.Gerber.Translator Symphony.EDA.VHDL.Simili.Sonata.v2.3.10 QuikLogic.QuickWorks.v9.8.4 QuikLogic.QuickWorks.v9.7.DOCS.Addon Novas nLint 2014.12 Linux64 Novas 2011.10 Linux Novas v2010.04 Linux64 Novas v2010.01 Doc Novas.v2006.04 Novas.2007.10 Linux Novas nLint 2011.10 for Linux32_64 & Solaris nLint2.2 v24 Novas.Nlint.v1.1.R9 Novas.nLint 2009.04 Linux Novas.Debussy.54.v9.0.WinALL Novas.Debussy.v6.1.Linux GerbTool v15.0 Lattice ispLEVER v7.1-ISO Lattice ispLEVER v7. Update ispLEVER Starter v2.0 ispDesignExpert v8.2 ispDesignExpert v8.0 ispExpert v7.01 Lattice.Semiconductor.Lattice.Diamond.v3.5.0.102.Win32_64 Lattice.Semiconductor.iCEcube2.v2015.04 Lattice.Semiconductor.PAC-Designer.v6.30.1346 Synplify.for.Lattice.v8.2 SUPCON JX-300X v3.12a-ISO OMRON.Sysmac.Studio.v1.43.Win64 Omron Sysmac Studio 1.30 Win32_64 OMRON CX-ONE v4.60 build 2021.04 OMRON CX-ONE 4.33 Multilanguage Win32 OMRON CX-ONE 4.32 CX-ONE v4.24 Multilanguage-ISO CX-Programmer v6.1 CX-Simulator 1.5 OMRON Mptst4.0 Ucamco UcamX 2019.04 Build 190430 Win64 UcamX 2018.10 Win64 UcamX 2017.04 Win64 UCam.v8.1.Win32 Smart Test of Ucam v8.13 PentaLogix.CAMMaster.v11.18.1.Win32_64 PentaLogix FixMaster v11.2.4 PentaLogix.ProbeMaster.v11.0.87 PentaLogix RoutMaster v9.4.30 PentaLogix.ViewMate.Pro.11.14.7 ESRI ArcGis Desktop v10.8.2 CHS ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Full v10.8.1 + Extensions ESRI ArcGIS Desktop + Data Interoperability + Help.v10.8.171077 ESRI.ArcGIS.Pro.v3.0.1.Win64 ESRI ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 Update Only Win64 ESRI Arcpad 10.0 SP1-ISO ESRI ArcGIS Desktop + Data Interoperability v10.7.1 ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.v10.6.eng.addons ET SpatialTechniques Products v11.3 for ArcGIS 10.4 Esri ArcHydro for ArcGIS desktop v10.4 Win32_64 Esri ArcGIS Desktop v10.3.1 Win32 ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.3.0.4322 Geo-Plus VisionLidar Ultimate v30. Win64 Geosoft Software Suite 8.3.1 65015 for v10.2.2 ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.4.1.5686 ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.v10.2.2 Esri CityEngine 2023.0.8905 Win64 Esri CityEngine 2019.0.5403 Win64 ESRI.CityEngine.2016.0.2642.160601R ESRI.CityEngine.2015.1.147045.Win64 Esri CityEngine 2015.0 with Tutorial & Examples ESRI.CityEngine.v2013.1.build.131115 ESRI CityEngine Advance 2015.2.2106.150928 Win64 ESRI CityEngine Advance 2014.0 Win64 ESRI CityEngine Advance 2013.1 ESRI CityEngine 2012.1 Advanced Win32_64 ArcGIS.DeskTop.v9.0 Sp3-ISO ArcGIS DeskTop.v9.0 SP3 ArcGIS Desktop v9.0-ISO ArcGIS.v9.3.SP1.DVD-ISO ArcGIS v9.0 -ISO ArcGIS Server v10.1 for Linux-ISO ArcGis Workstation v9.0 Graebert.ARES.Commander.2024.2.Win64 Graebert ARES Map 2024.2 ARES Map 2019.2.1.3124.SP2 Win64 DataEast.CarryMap.v3.11 DotSoft.C3DTools.v11.0.0.0 DotSoft.MapWorks.v12.0.0.0 DotSoft.ToolPac.v23.0.0.0 Clark Labs TerrSet 2020 v19.0.7 Clark Labs TerrSet v18.02 Update ClearTerra LocateXT Desktop v1.3.1.0 Win32_64 ClearTerra LocateXT ArcGIS for Server Tool Win32_64 ClearTerra LocateXT Desktop 1.2 Win32_64 ClearTerra LocateXT v1.1 for ArcGIS ,Google Earth Win64 DataEast.CarryMap.v3.8.523.1.for.ArcGIS.Desktop DataEast.AgroKarta.v2.0.2 for ArcGIS Data East Carry Map v2.3 for ArcGIS Data East Tab Reader v4.4 for ArcGIS Desktop 10.x DataEast.TAB.Reader.v4.2.0.215 for ArcGIS 10.1 DataEast XTools Pro v22.0.4481 for ArcGIS Desktop v10.8.x Data East XTools Pro 9.2 Build 956 for ArcGIS Desktop v10.1 DataEast.AgroKarta.v2.0 for ArcGIS Desktop Data East SXFTools v2.4 for ArcGIS Desktop Data East SXFTools v2.3 for ArcGIS Desktop Win32_64 GIS.Expert.Solutions.SmartExporter.DXF.2019.2.for.ArcGIS.v10.7 SmartExporter.DXF v2018.1 for ArcGIS 10.6 ET SpatialTechniques Products v11.2 for ArcGIS 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 10.0, 9.3 KMLer for ArcGIS 10 KML2KML 3.0.20 build 06.21.12 for ArcGIS 10.x Netcad GIS 2023 v8.5.4.1067 SmartExporterDXF v2020.2 for ArcGIS v10.X SuperOverlay 3.0.6 build 06.10.11 for ArcGIS 10.x MXGPs for ArcGIS v10.2 and v10.3 LiMON.UAV.v4.0.1553 Win64 ArcView Image Analyst v1.0 ArcView Internet Map Server v1.0 ArcView Network Analyst v1.0a ArcView Spacial Analyst v2.0 arcview Tracking Analyst v1.0 ArcView 3D Analyst v1.0 ArcView.GIS.v3.3 ArcView v3.3 ArcIMS v9.0 ArcIMS v4.0.1 for Win2000_XP UsingArcIMS3.1 ArcInfo.WorkStation.v9.1-ISO Active Map v2000 ArcPad v6.0 ArcReader v9.0 ESRI ArcGIS ArcSDE v10.2-ISO Avenza.Geographic.Imager.v4.50 Avenza MAPublisher v10.0 Win64 Avenza.MAPublisher.9.8 Cadcorp Suite 2023 Win64 SIS ETL 9.1,SIS Modelling 9.1,SIS Modelling with SQL Server 9.1,SIS Notice Board 9.0, SIS PostGIS Archive Manager 9.1,SIS WebMap 9.1,SIS WebMap Express 9.1, SIS WebMap FindIT Add-In 9.0,SIS WebMap IRS Link 9.0,Add-In AVLS 9.1,Add-In Routes To School 9.1) CHC Geomatics Office(CGO) 2 v2.2.2.11 Win64 DeltaGIS.v8.1.0.8.Multilingual ET GeoWizards v9.9 FracSIS 5.1-ISO GeoCad 2004 v5.4b GeoFrameworks.GIS.NET.for.All.Platforms.v2.0.1 Geoscan Sputnik GIS v1.4.11208 Geoweb3d Desktop v3.2.0 GeoTools v11.0 GeoMap v3.6-ISO Geoscience Software(GS) v6.0 Revision 3.1.2017 Geoscience(GS) Software v5.5 GeoticCad v1.11.2 GeoticLog v8.2.12 RC2 GeoticMine v1.4.8 GeoticSection v1.0.8) Geoway v3.5 GeowayDRG v2.0 Geoweb.3D.v2.04 Gorgeous Karnaugh v1.27 Guthrie dwgConvert 2020 A.27 Guthrie HPGL2CAD 2020 A.10 Gutrhie.CAD.GIS.collection.2012 Gutrhie Arcv2CAD v6.0 A.29 Gutrhie CAD2Shape v6.0 A.28 Gutrhie DwgConvert v7.0 A.01 Gutrhie HPGL2CAD v4.0 A.15 D Gutrhie ShxConvert v4.0 A.20 IAVO Research & Scientific 3D FeatureXTract v3.1.1.4085 Killetsoft TRANSDAT Professional 24.01 Multilingual Killetsoft NTv2Creator 1.10 Killetsoft NTv2tools 3.02 Killetsoft Ortwin 16.01 Killetsoft SevenPar 10.04 Killetsoft Transdat 23.25 KlauPPK PJIRTK v1.19.0 Win64 Klokan.MapTiler.Plus.v10.0.Win64 Klokan.MapTiler.Plus.v8.0 Klokan.Maptiler.Pro.v0.5.3.Win32_64 LimitState GEO 3.6.1 Build 26217 Win64 LimitState.RING.v3.2.24386.Win64 LimitState.Slab.v2.3.26620.Win64 LimitState.GEO.v3.2e.19333.Win32_64 LimitState RING 3.2.a.20141 Win32 LimitState.RING.v3.1.b.17345.Win32_64 MAP3D-NL v6.1 Mapthematics Geocart 3.3.5 Win64 Mapthematics.Geocart.v3.1.0.Win32_64 Merrick.MARS.Explorer.v7.1.7112.Win64 Merrick.MARS.v7.0.Win32 Merrick MARS 2019.1 Win64 Merrick.MARS.Production.v8.0.6.Win64 Mkad v1.0 NITF.for.ArcGIS.v1.0 MAPC2MAPC.v0.5.6.3.Win32_64 OCAD.Mapping.Solution.v12.1.9.1236 OCAD.v11.5.6.2031 Pix4D.Pix4Dmapper.Enterprise.v4.5.6 Pix4D.Pix4Dmapper.Pro.v4.4.12.Win64 Pix4D.Pix4Dmapper.Pro.v2.0.104.Win64 Pix4D.Pix4Dmapper.Pro.v2.0.104.MacOSX Photogrammetria.ScanIMAGER.Standard.Plus.v3.2.0.1 Pythagors v12.0 Multilanguage Pythagoras CAD+GIS EN 2023.00.0011 Win64 Pythagoras.CAD.GIS.EN.v16.18.0001 Win64 Pythagoras CAD+GIS v16.00 Unlimited Win64 Pythagoras.CAD.GIS.v12.26 QuoVadis v7.3.0.38 rapidlasso.LAStools.Suite.2019 Red Hen Media Geotagger v3.2 RIVERMorph Pro v5.2.0 RockWare.GIS.Link.2.for.ArcGIS.10 Snowden Technologies Snowden Supervisor 2020 v8.13.1.1 SurfSeis v1.5-ISO Sokkia Mapsuite+ v3.0 build 304-ISO Security Manager for SDE v2.0.47 Shp2kml v2.0 TatukGIS.Aerial.Imagery.Corrector.v2.1.0.208 TatukGIS Developer Kernel for .NET TatukGIS Developer Kernel for ASP.NET TatukGIS DK Delphi RX10.2 TatukGIS DK Delphi RX10 TatukGIS DK Delphi XE8 TatukGIS Editor TectonicsFP v1.77.1168 TerraGO's GeoPDF Publisher for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8x TerrainCAD.v1.1 TNTmips.v2006.72 VectorDraw Developer Framework 7.7009.1.0 WinGIS 2009-ISO Winsev v6.3 WiseImage.Pro.Geo.Edition.v7.0.WiN32 Manifold System + SQL for ArcGIS 9.0.181 Win64 Manifold SQL for ArcGIS Pro 9.0.180 Win64 Manifold System v9.0.180 Win64 MapObjects JAVA standard edition v1.0 for Windows Getting Started with MapObjects 2.1 in Visual C++ Blue Marble Geographic Calculator 2023 SP1 Win64 Blue.Marble.Geographics.Global.Mapper.Pro.v25.0.0.Win64 Blue Marble Global Mapper Pro v25.0 build 092623 Win64 Blue Marble Geographic Calculator 2017 Win64 Blue Marble Geographic Calculator 2017 Build 180417 Win32_64 BlueMarble.Geographic.Calculator.2016.Win32_64 BlueMarble Geographic Transformer v5.2 BlueMarble.Geographic.Tracker.v3.3 BlueMarble.Geographic.Transformer.Plugin.For.MapInfo.v1.0 Global Mapper Pro 24.0 Build 092022 Win64 Global Mapper 22.1.0 Build 021721 Win32_64 Global.Energy.Mapper.v14.2.Win32_64 MapText Label-Web v2.0.52 + Label-Contour v1.6 Emerson PRV2SIZE v2.9.73.Build.03.24.2022 EMerson PRV2Size v2.8 Emerson.Paradigm.22.build.2022.06.20 Paradigm SKUA-GOCAD 22 build 2022.06.20 Win64 Emerson.Paradigm.18.build.2018.06.28.Win64 Paradigm 18.0 Linux Paradigm 15.5 Win64 Paradigm Epos v4.0 Win32 Paradigm Epos v4.0 Linux64 Paradigm Geolog v7.0 Win64 Paradigm Geolog v6.7.1 Paradigm Interpret 2008 Paradigm Sysdrill 2012 Paradigm Sysdrill v2009 Emerson.Paradigm.SKUA.GOCAD.22.build.2022.06.20 Paradigm SKUA-GOCAD 2017 Win64 Paradigm SKUA GOCAD Engineering Modeling 2015 Win64 GoCAD v2009.3 p1 Win32 GoCAD v2.0.8 Linux SKUA v2009.3 p1 Win32 Wellead v4.0 Inpho.ApplicationsMaster.v5.3.0.Win32_64 Inpho.ApplicationsMaster.v5.1.Win32 Inpho.DtMaster.v1.0.0 Inpho.Match-AT.v4.06 Inpho.Match-T.v4.0 Inpho.OrthoVista.v4.5.0.Win32_64 Intergraph SSK v6.1-ISO Inpho Summit Evolution v6.8 Win32 Inpho Summit v5.3 Inpho.Scop.Plus.Plus.v5.3 Inpho.WIBU.CodeMeter.v4.01.Win32_64 SCOP++.v5.4.5.Win32 Trimble Inpho Photogrammetry v12.1.1 Win64 Trimble.Inpho.UASMaster.v12.1.1.Win64 nFrames.SURE.Professional.v4.1.5 PCI Geomatica Banff 2020 SP2 build 2020-07-29 Win64 PCI Geomatica 2018 SP1 Win64 PCI Geomatica 2016 SP1 Win64 PCI.Geomatica.2016.Win64 PCI Geomatica 2015 Win64 PCI.Geomatica.2013.SP3.Win32_64 PCI Geomatica 2013 Win32_64 PCI.Geomatica.2014.Linux64 PCI GEomatica v2012.Linux64 Hexagon.Cabinet.Vision.2023.2.Win64 Hexagon.GeoCompressor.2022.v16.7.0.1963 Leica.CalMaster.v3.2.402 Leica Cyclone 2023.0.2 build 8314 Win64 Leica Cyclone FIELdWORX 2022.0.1 PGR 29032022 Leica.Hexagon.HxMap.v4.3.0.Win64 Hexagon Leica HxMap v4.0.0 Win64 Leica.Hexagon.BLK3D.Desktop.Premium.Edition.v4.0.0.13 Leica.Hexagon.Spider.Suite.v7.8 Leica (ex. Technodigit) Cyclone 3DR 2021.0.2 Win64 Leica.Cyclone.REGISTER.360.2023.0.2 Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 Plus 2023.0.0 Leica.Cyclone.REGISTER.360.2022.1.0 Leica.Cyclone.Enterprise.Elite.v9.2.0.5745.Win64 Leica Cyclone Win32 Leica.Cyclone.v7.4.1 & Plugins.Win64 Leica CloudWorx Suite v2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For AutoCAD 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx for Bentley 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For BricsCAD 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For NavisWorks 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For PDMS 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For Revit 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx For Solidworks 2023.0.0 Leica CloudWorx and ForensicMAP plugins collection Leica.Cyclone.II.Topo.v2.0.188.Win32 Hexagon Leica GeoMoS Monitor Leica GeoMoS v3.0 Leica Infinity Win64 Leica Infinity v3.0.1.3069 Win64 Leica.LISCAD.v12.0 UK Leica LISCAD v11.2 US+UK Leica.PhotoGrammetry.Suite.v9.1-ISO LEICA GEO OFFICE v8.4 LEICA Geo Office v6.0 CHS-ISO Leica.GEO.Office.v8. Leica Zeno Field v3.11 Leonardo.XE.2013.v9.0.2014.2603 Hexagon ERDAS IMAGINE 2023 v16.7.1 Win64 Intergraph ERDAS Foundation/IMAGINE/ER Mapper 2014 v14.0 Intergraph Erdas Imagine-LPS-ER Mapper 2013 ERDAS Foundation 2014 v14.0 Win32_64 ERDAS Imagine 2015 Multilanguage Win64 ERDAS Imagine 2014 v14.0 Multilanguage Win32_64 ERDAS.Imagine.v8.7.With.LPS.V8.7-ISO Hexagon ERDAS Orima 2022 v16.7 Win64 ERDAS Orima 2014 v14.0 Win32 ERDAS.Stereo.Analyst.v1.0 ATCOR for Imagine 2013 GreenValley Suite Lidar360 v4.0 Build 20200515 PRO600 2014 for Bentley Map Enterprise V8i Win32 PRO600 2014 for Bentley Map V8i Win32 PRO600 2014 for MicroStation V8i Win32 Wyler.CHART/DYNAM.v1.6.6.106.Win64 Wyler.SPEC.v1.1.6.352 Wyler.INSERT.v1.1.6.45 PG-STEAMER.RTP.v4.1 Research.Systems.IDL v6.0 Research.Systems.Envi v4.2 Blueberry.3D.Terrain.Tools.V1.0-ISO Socet SET v5.3-ISO GIS.Feature.Collection.Module.v1.2.for.Boeing.SoftPlotter.v4.1-ISO SoftPlotter.v4.1.with.Airfiled-ISO Exelis (ex. ITT) ENVI 5.6.3 Exelis (ex. ITT) ENVI v5.6 Exelis.ENVI.v5.3.1.IDL.v8.5.LiDAR.v5.3.1.SARscape.v5.2.1.Win64 Exelis (EX Ittvis) E3DE v3.0 Win32 Exelis.ENVI.LiDAR.v3.2.Win64 Exelis (ex. ITT) SARscape Exelis (ex. ITT) SARscape 5.5.4 Exelis (ex. ITT) ENVI v5.3 SP1 Win64 Exelis (ex. ITT) ENVI v5.3, IDL v8.5, LiDAR v5.3 Win64 Exelis.ENVI.v5.2.SP1.Win32_64 Exelis.ENVI.v5.1.Win32_64 Exelis.IDL.ENVI.v8.4.Win64 ITTVIS.ENVI.v5.0.SP2.&.SARscape.v5.0.Win32 ITTVIS.ENVI.v5.0.SP2.&.SARscape.v5.0.Win64 ITTVIS.ENVI.v5.1 Win64 ITTVIS.ENVI.Orthorectification.v5.0.SP2.Win32_64 ITTVIS.ENVI.v4.3.Linux ITTVIS.ENVI.v4.4.Linux64 ITTVIS.ENVI.EX.v1.0.01.1157 ITTVIS.ENVI.EX.v1.0.01.1157.x64 ITTVIS.ENVI.EX.v1.0.1080.Linux ITTVIS.ENVI.EX.v1.0.1080.MacOSX ITTVIS.ENVI.EX.v1.0.1080.Solaris ITTVIS.IDL.v7.1.Release ITTVIS.IDL.v7.1.1.x64 ITTVIS.IDL.v7.1.1.LINUX ITTVIS.IDL.v6.4.LINUX.x64 ITTVIS.IDL.v7.0.3.Update.Only.Solaris ITTVIS.IDL.v7.1.1.MACOSX ITTVIS.IDL.v6.4.MACOSX.x64 ITTVIS.IDL.v6.3.Analyst ITTVIS.IDL.v6.3.Analyst.Linux ITTVIS.IDL.v6.3.Analyst.Linux64 IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Pro.v7.3.1a.205 IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Professional.v7.3.1a.205.X64 IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Professional.v7.0.1d.323.Linux IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Professional.v7.0.1d.323.Linux.x64 IVS.3D.Fledermaus.Professional.v7.0.1d.323.MACOSX QPS Fledermaus 7.8.4 Win64 QPS.Fledermaus.v7.5.2.Win32_64 QPS.Qimera.v1.6.3.Win64 Eye4Software.Coordinate.Calculator. Eye4Software.GPS.Mapping. Eye4Software.Hydromagic.v5.0.13.314 AMC.GPS2CAD.v4.3.0.0 GPS CAD Transfer v1.0 GPS Tools SDK v2.11b GPS Trackmaker 4.9.550 GPS NET Visualization Tools v1.3 GPS.Lab.Professional.v1.0.WinALL Curious.SoftWare.World.Maps.v5.5K-ISO Curious SoftWare World Maps v5.5K UpDate Curious World Maps v7.0-ISO Curious World Maps v7.2F Update Garmin.MapSource.Atlantic.v4-ISO Geopainting GPSMapEdit Geoandsoft Cecap 32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Clasrock 32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Clu_star 32 v3.0 Geoandsoft.Eletom.32.v3.0.13.Full Geoandsoft Happie 32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Ila32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Isomap 32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Rock3D32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Rotomap 32 v3.0 GeoandSoft SID32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Vercam32 v3.0 Geoandsoft Well32 v3.0 GeoSystem.Delta.v5.0-ISO Global Tracks 2003 v6.11 GEPlot BeamworX Autoclean 2021.3.1.0 repack 3 AEGIS v0.19.65.505 AEGis.acslXtreme.v2.5.WiNNT2K Alturion GPS European Maps v5.2-ISO Applications.in.CADD.n4ce.Designer.v4.10d Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.4.1 build 82879 USA Edition Win64 Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.2.0.0 build 82512 USA Edition Win64 Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeler v8.01 USA & International Win32_64 Menci Software APS v8.2 Win64 acQuire v4.2.1.1 APS Menci Remote 7.6.1 AvisMap.Deskpro.v5.0.2.5507 Capturing.Reality.RealityCapture.v1.0.3.5753.RC DeltaTech.Runoff.Lab.2018.0.20.266 Ellis.PaleoScan.2023.1.0.r41595.Win64 ER Mapper v6.4-ISO extensis (ex lizardtech) GeoExpress v10.01 Win64 extensis (ex lizardtech) Geoviewer Pro v9.0.3 Win64 FreeWorld3D GroundMap.v1.3.8.102.WinALL Helmel Engineering Geomet v7.01.182 JRC 3D Reconstructor v3.3.2.715 Win64 IDRISI.Andes.v15.00-ISO IDRISI.Kilimanjaro.v14.0.1-ISO Idrisi Selva v17.02 IDRISI-Taiga v16.03 Win32 Infograph InfoCAD v6.51b BiLingual Hexagon GeoMedia 3D 2022 v16.7.0 build 47 Hexagon GeoMedia Desktop 2022 v16.7.0 ENG & CHS Hexagon GeoMedia Image Pro 2022 v16.7.0 Hexagon GeoMedia PDF 2022 v16.7.0 build 51 Intergraph GeoMedia Desktop 2018 v16.5.0 Build 1109 InterGraph Geomedia Web Enterprise v4.00 22 Intergraph GeoMedia v6.1 Pro-ISO LeadTools.Vector.Imaging.Pro.v14.0-ISO LizardTech.GeoExpress.Unlimited.v10.0.0.5011.Win64 LizardTech GeoExpress Unlimited v9.5.4.4650 Win32_64 Lizardtech Lidar Compressor 2011 v1.1.1.2802 Win32_64 Lizardtech GeoExpress GUI v8.0.0.3065 Most cracked softwares is here to website download, pls Ctrl + F to search them. 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