30.03.2023, 11:34
Prove your academic ability and competence as a manager when you get a black cscs card. This Black Construction Skills Certification Scheme card is the highest-ranking card offered by the organization. Applying for this card requires a construction-related qualification that the College of Contract Management can provide. Enroll in an online course in Site Management and learn the concept of Health and Safety Measures and be equipped to qualify on your application for a CSCS card. Online learning is a convenient and economically favorable way of studying. This will save you time for you can study at home. Lectures are handled by Industry- recognized Lecturers who has proven experience and expertise in the field. Communicate, interact, learn, and be mentored by them through an online learning platform, that you will be given access to, called Moodle. Take up this online course and by improving your skills, widening your knowledge bank, and acquiring credential, you can push further on your career.